Monday, September 27, 2010
Friday, September 03, 2010
〈突然好想你〉平静的主歌,激昂的副歌交织青春悲喜情愫。阿信的旋律感更加成熟,但仍用少年的吶喊唱腔,阿信低音鼻音稍重,中高音表现亮眼。会想起周杰伦的〈彩虹〉,只是五月天激动得多。〈生存以上 生活以下〉喧闹摇滚之间,发人深省。只是感觉副歌节奏反而变淡,有些虎头蛇尾。〈你不是真正的快乐〉前奏直接破题,煽情动听,旋律很有记点又不失特色,应会再造流行。但副歌最猛的一句「难道就真的抱着遗憾…」太像王菲〈矜持〉主歌及副歌的最末句,是巧合?〈爆肝〉〈噢买尬〉连续2首high歌,五月天本色!〈出头天〉励志温暖台语歌,副歌写得精彩。〈春天的吶喊〉带点蓝调趣味的庞克摇滚,副歌没High起来有些可惜。〈夜访吸血鬼〉词意走秀异奇幻风,主歌有周杰伦〈夜曲〉的味道,但整体很有戏剧张力,后段阿信唱得入心。〈后青春期的诗〉如诗一般,只是感觉阿信一直都在吶喊?「盛夏正要一天一天…」好像又用了之前「难道就真的抱着遗憾…」的旋律?
Sunday, July 18, 2010
i guess they can be what they are today cos they do believe they are heroes and superman in their world...
and i guess, i am one too... somewhere, somehow. hahaha.. 總有那麼一天
Thursday, July 15, 2010
QUOTE from 怪兽's blog. (
他 (怪兽的技師)說,在兩個團都解散的今天
every one lives for a dream and his dream. what's urs and what's mine?
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Taiwan Group Photo
and finally.. here it is!
the one and only nice group photo for TW..
still searching for one in HK. hahah
Sunday, July 04, 2010
do your best
Monday, June 21, 2010
An Imaginary Threat
Esau ran to meet him, and embraced him. —Genesis 33:4
Last spring the window to one of the rooms in our house was repeatedly
attacked by a robin. The bird would perch at the base of the window,
ruffle its feathers, chirp loudly, and then fly headfirst into the glass.
I did some research and learned that robins are territorial. While
nesting, they drive out any competing robins. This bird apparently saw
its reflection in our window and thought it was another robin. The threat
was not real; it was only an illusion.
In the Old Testament, we see an instance when Jacob imagined a threat
that wasn't really there. Years earlier, Jacob had stolen his brother
Esau's blessing by their father. Now, after many years of separation,
they were going to meet again. Jacob thought Esau would harm him, so he
sent gifts ahead as a peace offering of sorts. Then, when he saw Esau
approaching with 400 men, Jacob panicked. Yet what Jacob thought was an
attack force turned out to be a welcoming committee. "Esau ran to meet
him, and embraced him, and fell on his neck and kissed him, and they
wept" (Gen. 33:4).
In interpersonal relationships, we sometimes misinterpret a situation. We
must ask the Lord for discernment so we don't miss a friendship because
of an imaginary threat.
I went outside to find a friend
But could not find one there;
I went outside to be a friend,
And friends were everywhere! —Payne
Don't be afraid of a presumed enemy, but trust in the Lord to make a new
Bible in a year:
Esther 3-5; Acts 5:22-42
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
風 停了又吹 我忽然想起誰天 亮了又黑 我過了好幾歲心 暖了又灰 世界有時候孤單的很需要另一個同類
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Mayday concert. Mornings spent to mayday songs ever since spurred me
to work a little harder. Sometimes I tend to slack a bit hours after
work has started but I will be once again reminder once I plug into my
iTunes again. It's my desire that I stop procrasinating n be a
hardworking soul.
Hk tw extravagenza. I felt like a new grad all over again.
Furthermore, my convocation is coming, on 6th July. I'm in the society
and yet still searching.
"the company or ur boss is not interested in helping u to find
yourself. Do it at your own time!" n I think that's true. Dun fall
into the stability trap I tell myself.
If only, there's one passion to keep me going.
And my deadline is almost up. This sun. I guess I hav made up my mind.
I wish for someone to talk about this. I wish to continue the talk
with wilk n Caroline. What an unexpected conversation during a trip.
Today is tue n I have only 3 days to work before what I hope to be a
wild n great weekend.
Wondering if I should take monday half day leave.
Monday, May 24, 2010
early night
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Sunday, May 02, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
我坐在床前 望著窗外 回憶滿天
生命是華麗錯覺 時間是賊 偷走一切
七歲的那一年 抓住那隻蟬 以為能抓住夏天
十七歲的那年 吻過他的臉 就以為和他能永遠
有沒有那麼一種永遠 永遠不改變
擁抱過的美麗都 再也不破碎
讓生離和死別都遙遠 有誰能聽見
下個世界才有永遠不變。那這個世界。。。 還真是煩
我坐在床前 轉過頭看 誰在沉睡
那一張蒼老的臉 好像是我 緊閉雙眼
曾經是愛我的 和我深愛的 都圍繞在我身邊
帶不走的那些 遺憾和眷戀 都化成最後一滴淚
有沒有那麼一滴眼淚 能洗掉後悔
化成大雨降落在 回不去的街
再給我一次機會 將故事改寫
還欠了他一生的 一句抱歉
有沒有那麼一個世界 永遠不天黑
星星太陽萬物都 聽我的指揮
月亮不忙著圓缺 春天不走遠
樹梢緊緊擁抱著樹葉 有誰能聽見
耳際 眼前 此生重演 是我來自漆黑 而又回歸漆黑
人間 瞬間 天地之間 下次我 又是誰
有沒有那麼一朵玫瑰 永遠不凋謝
永遠驕傲和完美 永遠不妥協
還不如一片花瓣 曾經鮮豔
有沒有那麼一張書籤 停止那一天
最單純的笑臉和 最美那一年
雙眼只有無猜和無邪 讓我們無法無天
有沒有那麼一首詩篇 找不到句點
青春永遠定居在 我們的歲月
笑忘人間的苦痛 只有甜美
有沒有那麼一個明天 重頭活一遍
讓我再次感受曾 揮霍的昨天
無論生存或生活 我都不浪費
有誰能聽見 我不要告別
我坐在床前 看著指尖 已經如煙
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
root prob
Monday, April 12, 2010
dreamerize sent you a video: "五月天 [ 放肆 ] MV 官方完整版"
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dreamerize has shared a video with you on YouTube: 就放肆爱放肆追 放肆去闯 放肆是我的信仰 放肆 再不去闯 梦想永远只会 是一个梦 想太多又想太重的梦想 还不如乾脆不多想 每一个险恶的浪 都会有浪花绽放 我决定边冲边欣赏 牛顿要我们都活在地上 偏偏我就想要飞翔 要挣脱命运捆绑 要推翻柏林围墙 要站上巨人的肩膀 梦想永远是逆向 一路都有人阻挡 人们说的荒唐却是我的心中的天堂 ! 就放肆爱放肆追 放肆去闯 放肆的大闹一场 不能原谅 如果很多年后 我还是这样 就放肆爱放肆追 放肆去闯 放肆是我的信仰 再不去闯 梦想永远只会 是一个梦想 哥伦布只要有一颗星光 就胆敢横越大西洋 我还有一把吉他 我还有一群死党 为什麽还不大声唱 达尔文假设生命是战场 就让我基因不投降 把伤痕装满手掌 把鼓声装满心脏 把歌声装满肺活量 梦想永远是逆光 只有剪影的模样 会有什麽细节 什麽体验 不要只猜想! 就放肆爱放肆追 放肆去闯 放肆的大闹一场 不能原谅 如果很多年后 我还是这样 就放肆爱放肆追 放肆去闯 放肆是我的信仰 再不去闯 梦想永远只会 是一个梦想 就放肆爱放肆追 放肆去闯 放肆的大闹一场 不能原谅 如果很多年后 我还是这样 就放肆爱放肆追 放肆去闯 放肆是我的信仰 再不去闯 梦想永远只会 是一个梦想 ========== 再不去闯 梦想永远只会 是一个梦想 == one step at a time and be stingy with chills and rest. do your part ernest. you need to do your part. more 五月天代言百事可樂「蓋世群音」百事樂隊大賽 「百事巨星」第一次啟用天團 大手筆捧出三千顆白金級手工水晶鑲造"天字號"專屬吉他 代言主題曲【放肆】MV 「演唱會之王」五月天重溫創團奮鬥史 「百事群星」一次加入五位新成員 五月天代言百事可樂「蓋世群音」百事樂隊大賽 才剛寫下上海演唱會戶外連辦兩場六萬人傳奇票房的五月天,接下來將陸續前往北京、哈爾濱、新加坡等地繼續2009五月天DNA創造演唱會的巡迴演出,日前五月天抽空在台北為代言的百事可樂「蓋世群音」百事樂隊大賽拍攝代言主題曲【放肆】MV,劇情是以五月天出道故事當作背景,短短三分多鐘的MV不僅得在大太陽下騎單車、導演還安排傾盆大雨、彩色玻璃珠從天而降,完全不體諒行程滿檔累到虛脫的天團,讓五月天吃足苦頭。 然而百事可樂也相當大方,為了表達對五月天加入"百事巨星"的鄭重其事,除了八位數代言費用之外,還贈送五月天整套白金級手工水晶鑲嵌樂器,該套樂器是百事可樂耗費巨資,苦苦構思一個多月,以紅白藍三原色為元素、以三千顆水晶拼成的百事標誌為設計主題,邀請著名頂級工匠耗費一個月的時間手工鑲嵌而成,十足展現「五月天」「百事蓋世群音」活動大使的巨星氣勢。五月天主唱阿信開心的表示「如果是鑲真鑚的話,這次的代言費就可以不收了。」 千萬顆彩色玻璃珠傾盆而下 鏡頭前華麗炫目 鏡頭下煞費苦心 【放肆】MV的劇情以五月天當初出道的故事為背景,五人白天分別在花店、咖啡廳打工,但仍為了夢想在下班後自己扛著樂器、音箱在街頭表演,導演在台北街頭製造傾盆大雨,重現五月天當初仍是地下樂團時的辛苦奮鬥過程,五人賣力的在雨中表演,吉他手石頭笑稱:「身上早已不知是雨還是汗了。」 這支【放肆】MV同時也是百事可樂代言廣告片,為了營造出華麗炫目的舞台效果,在棚內拍攝時劇組特別準備了數以萬計的彩色玻璃珠,整桶整桶的朝著五月天團員頭上傾盆而下,所有人卻還得不動聲色的故做帥氣彈奏樂器,任憑渾身被傾瀉而下的玻璃珠痛砸,鼓手冠佑敬業的等到導演喊「卡」時,才起身抖落身上的彩色玻璃珠,而拍片現場也相當倡行「節能減碳」環保風,每傾倒一次玻璃珠,所有的工作人員便必須蜂擁而上拾起所有的珠子,再靠人力扛著桶子爬上... more | |
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msn display pics
Friday, April 09, 2010
keep your eyes on the prize
Monday, April 05, 2010
dreamerize sent you a video: "梁文福 - 一步一步來 - Step By Step"
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dreamerize has shared a video with you on YouTube: 人生能有几步让你一步一步来? | |
© 2010 YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066 |
Sunday, April 04, 2010
church-less easter
14And God said to Moses, "I am who I am."…
Saturday, April 03, 2010
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Attention animal
I'm having a difficult time trying to be in dragonboat n learning
bike. It seems that I'm realli bad at it. But I need to overcome this
barrier. I shan't be a desserter like my table tennis days. Failing my
bike lessons is demoralizing. N I need to buck up with my fitness n
rowing strokes.
When I was running my marathon, I said to myself, if I can do this, I
can do more in life.
It's time to bring on that competitive mentality. Dun be a wuss. Try
not to be.
Rest n tell yourself that I can do all things thru Christ who
strengtheneth me.
Be healthy. Be strong. Be good.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Fwd: Calvin and Hobbes 03/28/2010
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Sunday, March 28, 2010
This is wrong
N I dun hav enough motivation to work.
N I dun hav enough official work to do.
Errands? I prefer to settle them on weekdays.
Life is hard as a stranger here.
But some things cannot be changed.
N yes. Dun forget to show everyone u like them. Jus smile n giggle
when u feel like it. Show them that u like them. It will make a better
day for all. :)
Friday, March 26, 2010
One thing
Trying not to hold on to too many idea. This one will suffice.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
If water is not sufficient cos of the bacteria etc, He will provide
wine. To make sure that it good for ur body.
If water is sufficient, He want to give His people even more.
N today, or tomorrow, one day, I will hav my water turned to wine.
Smile:) and be joyous person today. N tell our Father in heaven our
needs n trust His provision.
SMILE n Be Joyous today!!!
"I've come to give life more abundant"
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
things to do
Monday, March 22, 2010
Wait for what?
realize ur talents? For ur manager to become adventurous?
What are u waiting for?
Sunday, March 21, 2010
what have you remember today that will accompany you to sleep and tmr?
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
quiet time
every one needs quiet time. i used to have it.. i made a promise that i shall not touch my bed unless i have done mine. there are nights when i slept on the floor cos i was too lazy to do my qt..
those were the days and i miss them. something to end the day. and something to start tomorrow.
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Jeremiah 29:11
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
copied from tianhao.. good read. in fact.. a bit emo and touching.. ahha
Sunday, January 31, 2010
So long
It's been so long since I last blogged. All the while, I'm still
following some of the blogs like bh from church, yl from hall who is
now a pharmacist, mar my fellow Chem engr working in bank. I can't
bring myself to blog cos I cannot find a convincing underlying
conviction in life values to comment about anything in life. And I'm
not willing to show pple or even myself the evolution of my values
since work has started.
Met different pple since grad m met the same pple since they hav grad.
Among them, I can find no soulmate to confirmed n share my old values
in life. I think I find it har to convince myself too, when all the
pple on that highway, have left n I seem so alone.
New pple n new thoughts in life? There are pple or some seniors that
hav kinda caused me to think about planning my life. But then again,
really dun know how to plan the insecurities of life. For the secured
matters, they are somewhat laid out already.
I only hav 4 months to get myself sorted out. 4 months.