Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I need:
To punch a hole in my brown belt, it's far too loose. 

 black grey etc working socks. Many of them. 

 to bring a jacket to office. But which of my childish jackets can I bring over??


Monday, June 29, 2009

if everything you do.. know your stuff well

yes yes..
i need to know what is adiabatic prereformer.. i need to know.. PSA.. yes.. i cannot link it to pressure swing absorber! the learning curve is steep. and i need to force myself to learn.
i cannot see the end product of my training phase now.. there's like so much to know..
it's like chairing a supermajor comm. the only difference is, i wasnt a sub comm member before i start to chair. i dun know what's going on in the sub commnn but i need to run and coordinate the different department.
and worse still. i forgot, or should i say, i dun know much about process dept as well!

Friday, June 19, 2009

learn to be thankful

I want to thank God for his kindness! and also confess my sins for
being so coveteous. It is His hands of mercy that He has not dealt
with me directly.
Firstly, as I hav chosen to go shanghai for one year, I am not
scheduled to graduate in june but december. But thankfully, I am able to squeeze my modules in such that I can graduate provisionally.

Fyp selection landed me on a very difficult topic that is century old. Yet, it's too difficult that the proff expected much less from me.

Able to find not one but 3 jobs. At first I was totally whiny about the pay. But thank God for sending people to explain to me what to look out for in a job. not the pay, but the experience.

A company with nice colleages. What I need to do now is to be diligent and work hard and learn as much as possible. yes. i need to be really good in soft skills. it comes with self-confidence and a likeable face. i dun think i can do any thing much to improve but to pray harder. i cant make people to like me... i can only do my best.

doing my best is what i must try to do also. been slacking for sooooo long. all along i have put away study giving myself the excuse that it's not very important. but it's my career and i need to perform and do well.

Glory unto God Almighty. And I pray for a teachable heart and meek attitude at work.

On the job

I want to learn. I hope I can put up a nice amiable face and attitude
to learn.

Monday, June 15, 2009

thank God

i should be thankful..

thankful for a job. and thankful for Him to help me find a job that i will like. 
right now, i jus have to move on and start work with a happier and livelier mood. God, please take away my unnecessary worries about job and people.

anyway, i must confess that i have done something wrong. i shouldnt hav been a little not humble during job selection. humility is what God has taught me for this episode. let's hope it wont affect my future days. God will help me. 

and this is what i have in my iphone wallpaper. it works very well. everytime i use the phone, i am reminded to CALL unto HIM. 

Thursday, June 11, 2009


in this life, we have many preferences, or a better word, it's called biases... 

and i, realise that i have many. so much so that i realise that i am choosing too much about the way i wish to perceive people. 

as i am moving on the first day of my work.. i am so worried for the lack of preparation i am making for it. 

today i realised that i did not make any preparation for nus. i dint join the pre-camps. i dint join the orientation camps. i felt that i have not been initiated into university life. 

the same mistake should not be done at work. but as to how to prepare, i think i cannot think of better ways than to find some solitary time with deep thinking and prayers. only God can tell me what to do. 

joined the secc camp for the first time! yes.. after 4 years in nus. on one hand, i wish i have a looking-glass that i can see myself in.. but on the other hand, i am still afraid of knowing the person i am. 

and i think i am quite easy going.. and i will, unfortunately, hope that everyone is like me. and dun kaopeh so much~

Monday, June 08, 2009


quoting from a blog post by anglipchong, the bro who ran 42km with me... 

30km….We started walking already……
Me: Ernest tell u what, now going up slope, don't run… save energy, down slope we run.
Ernest: Ok, gd idea
At down slope…
Ernest: Lip Chong…down slope don't run. Bad for knee…
ME: I see… point taken..later straight road we run.
Level road….
ME: Eh..water point reaching ley…why don't we run after that. Not good to run and stop lah…momentum lost.
Ernest: Okie..gd idea
After water point….
Ernest: Eh…bro… after eating and drinking..not good to run immediately. Must take a break…
ME: Ic..can ..no prob…then we run later lah…


Saturday, June 06, 2009


Friday, June 05, 2009


他的眼神 说出他的心

徐若萱-她 他
他他 深深爱著她
他他 永远的吗?
他他 送她玫瑰花和吉它
她她 也深爱著他
她她 不变的吗?
她她 收到的玫瑰花已枯萎了!h~枯萎了!
他和她 爱很美 浪漫就像玫瑰花
他和她 爱很难 很小心也不一定留得住它
他和她 有时后可怕静静地死去它不挣扎 不说话!
他他 轻轻吻著她
他他 弹的吉它
他他 最爱摸她的长头发
她她 看著那个他
她寂寞的小世界 被他溶化慢慢溶化
她和他 爱的Melody多到挤不下
她和他 人随时也可能没有明天 不要害怕
她和他 让灵魂自由 看见爱与被爱在打架 算了吧!
他他 送她??吉它

没有 你对我说没有人
没有 你对我说没有人
等著没有人 你曾经对我说
被风吹不冷 哦 没有人
搜索 "没有人"mp3 

Thursday, June 04, 2009

feel great standing for the Lord

i guess it feels great to be righteous in the land where righteousness are valued!! 
but sadly, this chance to feel great doesnt' come easily and often. 

Monday, June 01, 2009


anyway, i do want to do up a post for the marathon.. but somehow, i dun have the photos.. still haven find on internet yet.. 

i am having a lethargy to blog.. which is a bad sign. cos it means there's nothign i feel passionate about to blog...

a quick search online will find a lot of proud finisher of the sundown marathon.... for me? i find it otherwise. 

i dun feel any pride.. 
.. maybe cos i dint put in my full effort.. 
maybe cos it comes too easily... 
maybe cos i dint put in a lot of preparation.. the timing is mediocre... 

apparently, completion is not enough... 

maybe that's why i also dun feel excited graduating.. 

i need to find something so cool that i want to excel in!