Friday, June 19, 2009

learn to be thankful

I want to thank God for his kindness! and also confess my sins for
being so coveteous. It is His hands of mercy that He has not dealt
with me directly.
Firstly, as I hav chosen to go shanghai for one year, I am not
scheduled to graduate in june but december. But thankfully, I am able to squeeze my modules in such that I can graduate provisionally.

Fyp selection landed me on a very difficult topic that is century old. Yet, it's too difficult that the proff expected much less from me.

Able to find not one but 3 jobs. At first I was totally whiny about the pay. But thank God for sending people to explain to me what to look out for in a job. not the pay, but the experience.

A company with nice colleages. What I need to do now is to be diligent and work hard and learn as much as possible. yes. i need to be really good in soft skills. it comes with self-confidence and a likeable face. i dun think i can do any thing much to improve but to pray harder. i cant make people to like me... i can only do my best.

doing my best is what i must try to do also. been slacking for sooooo long. all along i have put away study giving myself the excuse that it's not very important. but it's my career and i need to perform and do well.

Glory unto God Almighty. And I pray for a teachable heart and meek attitude at work.

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