Monday, June 08, 2009


quoting from a blog post by anglipchong, the bro who ran 42km with me... 

30km….We started walking already……
Me: Ernest tell u what, now going up slope, don't run… save energy, down slope we run.
Ernest: Ok, gd idea
At down slope…
Ernest: Lip Chong…down slope don't run. Bad for knee…
ME: I see… point taken..later straight road we run.
Level road….
ME: Eh..water point reaching ley…why don't we run after that. Not good to run and stop lah…momentum lost.
Ernest: idea
After water point….
Ernest: Eh…bro… after eating and drinking..not good to run immediately. Must take a break…
ME: Ic..can prob…then we run later lah…


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