Sunday, May 30, 2004

20th bdae - presents (amended)

before i start, i have found one with the same birthday as me.. it's lee teng. erm.. should i say my vj schoolmate or should i say that 933dj? okie, he's the 933dj..

1. hongbao from mrs seet - haven't open it .. decided to open only on 30th.
2. streetdirectory 2004 from wilfred and see too - tks! only camp people to give me a prezzie (other than mrs seet). no matter what(ever), it's still so nice of them to bother buying something for me!~
3. fila sports bag - honest opinion, i will want a backpack. but it's still so thoughtful of jiwei/lynette(yuwei/weilun) to buy me a bag. =)
4. sigg metal water bottle - well.. guards day got me a metal bottle areadi,,.. but a bdae present bottle is definite different.. things comes in pairs..

5. book "secrets of the vine" from ruyi. - haha.. dint expect her to give me a christian book.. hm.. guess i am storing too many books on shelf that i must really start reading them all.. haha..

what can i say but THANK YOU...

20th bdae part 1 - dinner on 290504

really nice to have a birthday dinner. hehe.. yes. i am reallyhappy. somehow,
becos of bdae dinners, i still feel, erm.. not rejected.. ya... it just means
that i still have friends/people who still bother with me. =)

more photos stored here

Friday, May 28, 2004



逃避不一定躲得过 面对不一定最难受
孤单不一定不快乐 得到不一定能长久
失去不一定不再有 转身不一定最软弱

别急着说别无选择 别以为世上只有对和错

你能找个理由难过 也一定能找到快乐


天冷不是冷 心寒才是寒。。。

the day after tomorrow

francis: ernest, you want to go out har? watch movie? let's watch movie the day after tomorrow.?

ernest: har!! i am fully packed for the day after tomorrow. tonight can?

aha..haa.. so funny... the movie"the day after tomorrow"

an island...

i am an island. yes... what can i do? i dun noe

read weixiong's friend blog that he said:
"i have a terrible disease, a terrible disease which prevents me from treating everyone the same, with no discrimination, who friendly.. "

i am like him.. and quote from him as well.. sooner or maybe already, people will/have realised my hypocripsy and i will lose/have lost all my friends..

Thursday, May 27, 2004

it's a small world!!

i really cannot believe how coincidental/ how small this world is....

i was supposed to send this thing to this nsman who was stayin in simei.
well.. i volunteered my service since i am staying in tampines..

so happily i took the parcel to simei, still have no idea that it was
actually yuwei's block!! haha.. wanted to pay him a visit, but he's wasn;t
at home. so too bad..

that's not all..

i proceed to the unit. it's a christian home as there's this "Jesus is the
head of the house" on the door.. i gave it a knock..
*knock* *knock* *knock*
no returns.. then i knocked harder!
*swing..* the door actually swang open! wow... i was so erm.. amazed... tot
the house has just been burglarred and i can be the number 1 eye witness
but i din went in.. was afraid that people will mistook me as the burglar..

approach the neighbour for help.. but the maid is so 怕事 that she closed the
door after i left.. haha..


still no response..

then the neighbours came back.. i asked for help.. but then, she also dun
know the person well.. i went forth to circumspect the surroundings and
realised that the room is lit. and i gave the window a knock..

soon, a face appear at the window.. and you know who is he? MATTHEW ABRAHAM!
yes.. it's my church speaker 2 weeks ago, and shomerim speaker 1 week ago.!

"hey i think i know the person!! " i told the neighbour..

"it's a small world!" she replied..

yes, indeed, it's a small world after all................

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

dsta and chem engin

man's wants are definitely influenced by surroundings. xiong told me he has accepted moe teaching scholarship. Well.. I haven’t been thinking of scholarship since last year may.. cos weilun wasn’t going to pursue any scholarship.. so.. I thot I have forgotten all bout scholarship. Now that xiong is having moe scholarship, it rekindle my interests in scholarship. Well.. I definitely need it as my family, hm.. dun think can really afford my education in uni. But have I what it takes to be a scholar? I have actually tried to applied for DSTA scholarship, but I missed the deadline. Now, I felt so guilty bout it. Why the guilt? It’s the guilt of not doing things to my best. To actually miss the deadline of a scholarship application is a show of my lack of interest and effort in my job.

Okay.. I have made up my mind. I am going to be chem engineer.. and going to dsta! It will be hard and I will be faced with strong competitors like weilun. But let me remind myself, that “I can do all things thru Him who strengthened me” phillipians

mt ophir, i am coming

i think my leave is approved. mrs seet says, if you mom let you go, what else can i say. haha. but still, thanks for her concern.
so what i want to do now is to finish as much as i can, so that i can leave without worries. yeah.. hope to finish all the ord, ns posting, promotion stuff...
mt ophir, here i come!!!

Monday, May 24, 2004

still i will like to thank.. all of you.. for making my life so sweet then.. and whenever i think of you guys... Posted by Hello

will i have a cake this year? i dun know. ~ bdae is getting sadder each year. Posted by Hello

bdae cele last year.. was a really nice and touching effort by jiwei and gals.. hehe.. miss them.. Posted by Hello

dinner with them at yuki yaki. but really dun know where should i have it this year..  Posted by Hello


there was a time, whereby lemon halls sweet actually can make me feel so much better when i feel low. but my mentos orange dun work for me.. maybe it's not sweet enough.. or maybe it cannot work for me anymore.. or maybe i am feeling real low..

feeling damn low.. low.. low

i am feeling dman low now. probably having one of my worst days in office.. so much so that i am still having a splitting headache. i knew it coming. that one day mrs seet will find me doing beyond what i am supposed to do. she will find me too kay-po maybe..
i think i am too kay-po. whatever that i came to know or have learnt, i will put myself responsible for it. dun understand why can;t the rest do the same too. fred.. he walked away while i am trying to teach 13sib how to use armas. wt.. so? it will appear that i am kaypo in front of mrs seet again..
really feeling very sick now.. dun feel like going back office. i cannot do my work today. none of it. what i am doing in the office is going around answering questions from wong, francis, etc.. then, receive arrows from csm.. etc.. wt...
i think the only way to feel better is to shut myself up tmr, just trying to clear every thing i have in hand.
  1. convening order
  2. give survery form to mp br
  3. get ord gift for jun
  4. get ic auth letter done for jun
  5. get cos for jun printed
  6. update my oa pc details
  7. forecast june
  8. lwe forcast
  9. leave forecast
  10. duty forecast
  11. insert leave forms/MCs
  12. insert leave into 35a
  13. maybe try to settle stores
  14. tell wochua angjekcheng on course
  15. and maybe.. talk to mrs seet..
  16. then, detail job scope for kenneth
  17. maintain dockets for goh/liliang/etc..
  18. issue out all ord gifts
maybe the best way to cure my headache now is to post me out.. ya.. post me to.. erm.. cmtl? and let me try to be stupid there.. maybe should post me to mp br.. ya.. let me go there lor.. and be stupid there as well.. wt... i am so damn sick now..
forget it ernest..

Sunday, May 23, 2004

where i belong?

Conversation btn amos n limei
limei: 你知道nick发生什么事吗?
limei:你是他的cousin mah...
amos: 我有跟他讲过,可是他也是不听。(我这个cousin)就和其他的friend一样...
amos: 他很像不想join shomerim...
limei: teens到个阶段,会觉得peers都不了解自己。
amos: 对。我也有过。有时到了个阶段可能会觉得外面的朋友比较了解自己。then 就drift away lor, or make new friends... 而且这种事是要靠自己走出来的。别人是帮不了的。有时朋友不了解是自己不肯说...
他们在说的时候我静静的听着。想着自己的处境,似乎雷同。backtracked to last year, since the bedsheet incident with gene, i haven't been out with them. felt that i wasn't understood there anymore, or wrose still, i was never understood, and i cannot be tolerated there anymore. delusion with myself. "quote quote...到了个阶段可能会觉得外面的朋友比较了解自己".. and yes.. i drift away... did i return? i dun know.. this raise 2 impt dangerous questions..
if i really drift away from them, most likely it is becos 我自己看不开。so? what remedy should i apply?
well.. if it's God's will for me to make new friends, that will be good. but if i am just being an excapist, to seek refuge in a midst of new friends.. that's dangerous.. i am, where my heart lies is a big problem.
argh.. to dangerous to think further.. and too, difficult for me..
Here's something for all arrogant shit heads to think about . Give up the grudge,shut your fucking mouth ,why you gotta judge everbody but yourself Take a look around you, there aint nobody home .I may be a loser but at least i'm not alone - GOB

and i know.. as well..
For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. --Matthew 7:2

i wouldn't want to judge people as well.. for He is the only sumpreme Judge.

i am just hoping to guard my own soul, guard myself, lest i fall into the ways of others...

I may be a loser but at least i'm not alone , yeah.. but it is written"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."Matthew 7:13-14 so should i be a loser, with company or should i be a loner?

weird dream

i just woke up, with this dream.. i dreamt that i have an understudy.. she's dxo, .. phang.. haha.. haha.. i was like quite damn excited and went to talk with fred, ww but as ususal, no one responded to me..

"why are you so happy to have understudy? ", mrs seet, as she walked out to the registry counter..

"becos raizal has 5 understudy and now i finally have one", i said
*disclaimer!: actually peh is the one who had 5 understudies.. well when you are in the dreams, you cannot think right."

"well, if there's any change, she will help to take care of the dockets there..."


haha.. think i am too bored, that i am hopin for some changes..

actually, in the dream, there's 3(THREE) dxos around.. but dun really remember why are they around also.. haha...

Friday, May 21, 2004

separatist idea

i like this idea..
different key press
different ps
different policy
soloist manner
but, no man is an island.
but, familarity breeds contempt
but, friend friend is better than draw line...
but, clear cut is better than confusion...
but, sigh.....

i am nobody

i am really inflated.. i cannot go on this way.. i will be big-headed and plot my own downfall... but some times, the way Wong treat me really inflate my ego.. argh.. cannnot lah.. maybe i should stop checking ro.. checking ro really give a final shot of ego-inflation at the end of the day..
BT also.. during the trip to safti mi keep saying that there are people who says that i am really really needed in the office, that mrs seet cannot lose this clerk etc.. wah lah.. how how!
fortunately, there are still people like francis who dun think much of me, who thinks that i am no big deal.. he's like an "informed consumer" who knows there are better "goods" out there.. haha.. thank God.
anyway, i think i am doing things wrongly recently. i cannot send the wrong frequency that i am overshadowing mrs seet. i mean, there cannot be anything that only i know. this will really have adverse effect on me!! a boss will never like someone who is doing things that he/she dun know.. what is more for someone who likes to know everything.. i must propagandate this: mrs seet CAN DO WITHOUT ERNEST!.. it's a diff thing to balance... bringing her into the picture too often will impede my work flow and my words will sound less convincing and authoritative.. but if i dun work, using her name, i seem to be taking things too much into my own hands.. .. that is why, when i want to raise 1Gds OS today, i ask her to sign a covering letter.. i used to write my own email and send to 1Gds chief clerk. hmm.. hope by doing this, will be doing both side a service.
now i know why Adrian's stuff is always signed by fmncc although he is doing it.. erm.. but he's regular leh.. aiyah, dun know lah.. see how lor.. hope i can find my way to do things..

breakfast talk

.:mr vincent:.
天有不测之风云,人有旦夕之祸福。对于我们生活中认为理所当然的事,我们必须心纯感激。生活中的点滴都是恩典。而且生命的确脆弱。而且祸不单行,我真不知道这场大病会对他的事业有何影响。老实说,我还真的蛮佩服他太太,每当我碰到她,她表现的很坚强。是的... 非常坚强... 仍然乐观,毫无沮丧。maj lim says that he's not going to ask for add staff from dsta, to minimise having him from losing his job. =)
was talking bout rizal.. then talk bout dominic.. then about wilson... then.. shaun chan..  there are reallly many different kind of people from all walks of life and with different paths to take. maj lim is right.. maybe i am have a 回忆录 after my ORD>. ha.aha.. if i should i have.. i can start writing now.. really.. maybe i should write after processing each ORD case? haha.. maybe..
.:helping with TO job:.
i know why cco insist on asking me out from breakfast already... 拿人手短,吃人觜软。i was asked to help a bit , a bit only.. with mr vincent's job... =) okay lah, at least i felt that it's worth helping.

i can't blog like last time anymore

i am losing the pleasure of blogging... reason is what i have said previously also.. that is there are colleagues reading my blog... it's really weird.. how? can i have the concurrence that i can still blog like before? people reading, pls do declare your identity and say if i can still blog like last time.. i mean, there's a high tendency that i will blog bout office.. cos, it's like taking more than 1/3 of my life now.. !

Thursday, May 20, 2004

blogging using email

trying to blog using the email function.. guess this will be useful.. so next time, if i really change my blog addy, i can still blog in public places.. i can take cover.. cos i will be typing a normal email..
just received a msg from wong, i din do my officeduty today as i overslept.. argh.. i hate to oversleep.. burn 0.5 day off just like that..
近来,有”鼠辈“污蔑我。名人不做\暗事。。。 但这人偏偏偏朵朵藏藏,藏头露尾,还真的搞得我不知所措。
give up.. i am typin too slowly.. maybe next time i will write on paper and type later.. ya..

i dun like this

i dun really like this blog design.. but what to do.. i really need time before i come up with my ideal design, one which can support chinese characters.. and of cos my fav colours.. ahah..

i have to put up with this page meanwhile.. =(

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

my job scope

*foxtrot* told me this... "actually what you are doing is very little, just that you are magnifying and over-conscious over it.. you are just doing more than necessary.." to be honest, it disturb me quite a bit. so much so that even till today, while working, i will still ask, if the statement is true. if it is true that i am actually no better then *pink teddy*.

but mrs seet ask me not to intervene into ns... lest wrong info/actions being taken.. okay.. i will try...

i guess i am bored... bored by farmiliarity.. and this familiarity is boosting my ego and pride.. who can i do to save my soul!??

mt ophir

really tempted to go.. want to prove myself that i am still fit physically.. though i am not medically.

i have pass my mom's stage.. "if you wan to go, you go lor..."

actually come to think bout it.. mrs seet and my mom holds the same opinion, that is my skin cannot make it.. but my mom, knowing me, just leave me alone.. that's actually another powerful weapon, forcing myself to take the responsibity, in the hope that the responsiblity will turn my heart around. and mrs seet, talk to me in that "if you going to hurt yourself, it's not my business also.. go ahead if you dun heed my advise" tone. ohh.. welll. what should i do..

should i go?..

Monday, May 17, 2004

weekend spent

M call X to ask if he's free on sat afternoon. (maybe he's trying to pass him the bdae present)

M bought X bdae present already. G, E not informed. C? not sure...

E ask G out for "50 first dates" on sat afternoon..

G ask E out for dinner on sun night..

X saw G n E on sun night, coincidentally.. X was out with his friend as well..

implications? ... actually, the intention is always good.. but inevitably, as every one is entitled to his thoughts, we see things in diff ways, and we infer our conclusions from "factual" stuff..

it seems like greece 3200yrs ago, the different parties are loosely held together due to ties.

it's is a war movie..erm. quite a nice one but not appealing to me.. too boring. brad pit is indeed a hunk... the scences are erm. not gruelsome but still, i cannot bear the sight of a sword piercing into the neck of a living person.... oh ya, i would like to say Troy fall cos the king place his faith on gods.. but not the Almighty Jehovah.

____.:50 first dates:.____
think i still prefer comedy. it's a funny show.. and an ideal love story.. a bit unrealistic but, that's where the romance lies.. to be unrealistic..

____.:opening myself to others:.____
i dun seem to be able to clique well... i am still erm.. too judgemental.. how how?? i know why.. it's pride and pride is bringing me down..

____.:fruits of the Spirit:.____
do i really have it?
i have pride... i dun have the humility to learn.. and that is also hindering me from socializing... well, i am tired from answering questions from people.. so.. erm.. sigh..

i guess pride is something that i have to overcome!! argh.. !! how..

Saturday, May 15, 2004

Qaeda Leader Beheads U.S. Civilian in Iraq

Qaeda Leader Beheads U.S. Civilian in Iraq

is it our business? do we neeed to know? do we wish to know? can we just leave it alone?
.:should i blog:.

i kinda have problems blogging nowadays... unlike last time when blogging means writing alone. i feel like writing email to people who intentionally read my blogs.. people refers to people whom i see in the day.. i am restricted to how much i should reveal.. should i actually shift my blogpage??! i dun know.. i guess i should just let it be..

.:thou shall not judge:.

surely, i am aware that i should not judge people lest i be judge. but it's hard to do.. i am a judgemental person.. and i tend to give my own opinions to people, things, events, news etc.. and i think i am right and i know things.. yes, after years of education and age, i do think i have known some things but i often let pride rides over me. how can i cautiously tell myself that i am not right all the time..

okie.. ernest, you opinions, are just opinions only!! remember!

"Charlie".. think he's a xin xiong xie zai guy... or maybe cos he's given much responsibilities? or more imptly, we dun see the responsibilities given and dun see the things he do.. but, he's stuff also very redundant, very menial, simple, just troublesome and hard to please.. things appointed to him are erm... not impt in near time. impt things assigned to him, due to his lack of urgency and appearance, are often done by others..

"Wiskey".. a very self-contious guy... too bothered by people's opinion of him. i dun have to heart to assess him.. but yet most intriguing to me.. wtf..

"Bravo"/, presently, i really think he's a amiable guy.. able to clique with everyone.. which is not what i can.. i can never hide my feelings weelll.. or should i say, and repeat, that i am too judgmental.. i judge before verdict.

"Texus" beyond me.. maybe i am really too naive and young to know how to work correctly..

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Luke 23:32-43: Two other men, both criminals, were also led out with him to be executed. When they came to the place called the Skull, there they crucified him, along with the criminals--one on his right, the other on his left. Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." And they divided up his clothes by casting lots. The people stood watching, and the rulers even sneered at him. They said, "He saved others; let him save himself if he is the Christ of God, the Chosen One." The soldiers also came up and mocked him. They offered him wine vinegar and said, "If you are the king of the Jews, save yourself." There was a written notice above him, which read:THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS. One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: "Aren't you the Christ? Save yourself and us!" But the other criminal rebuked him. "Don't you fear God," he said, "since you are under the same sentence? We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong." Then he said, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." Jesus answered him, "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise."

Jesus says come... He said it then... and He's ever saying it now... to those who know Him He asks them to come each day to know more of Him... and to those who don't... He throws His arms wide open - as how He'd stretched His' on the cross... so is the measure of His love.

God will make a way... He always does.

modified from galvin


i do have visitors to this site. is it a bane or blessing?

i have this Jammer tagging weird stuffs at my tag board. worse still, i dun if i know him or not.. argh..

i also have that Sexy polluting my site. why??

maybe they are all one person.. forget it.. ming ren bu zuo an shi... but i guess it's right for such a person like him to do such gou2 qie3 de4 shi4.

also i have this new visitor, chris.. first online blogger to link me to his site. read his blog.. hm... there's a story from him.. is it a story for me to learn or benefit from? there's must be a reason why people are brought to me in one way or another.. it's part of His plan.. so i will wait and see His will for me.

active uas module (10-11 may 04)

have a 2-day course at smp. shoik.. felt like having a holiday.. haha.. just hope that things doesn't go wrong when i go back office tmr.. there's something at the back of my mind which i cannot let go.. erm.. or should i say it;s just my worries, worrying that somehting will go wrong. ernest, must remember, the bible says Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God -Philippians 4:6
back to the course.. the instructor was quite unwilling to and my questions, cos according to her, things that i ask should be done chief clerk, so dun wan to tell me, lest i would do for my chief clerk.. (little does she knwos that my unit has no AO, so CC is AO, then the part of CC job has to be disseminate mah..) nvm... cos i got my ans in the end.

though i have used the uas for so long, the course is still fruitful.. it is a recap of my GOM as well as giving me some proper training which i didn't have. she did not teach info report.. guess i will try myself haha.. think it's a good prog, so i will learn myself.

didn't make friends there.. ya.. well.. i guess it's normal..

Monday, May 10, 2004


hmm.. blogger now is enabled with comments section.. well.. which makes haloscan redundant now.. but haloscan has the trackback function!! wth.. that trackback thingie is so diff to use..

so? what should i do next.. revamping my site again? which means my site can be quite independant.. except the fact that my entries are on blogger entries.. no sense of ownership.. how how how?? sigh..

need to get my webspace soon.. hm.. even so, wil it help? i dun know.. anyone wanna share and get a website space together/?

and yes.. need to do up shomerim site as well.. if it's still active.

my fav post.. even till now..

from xgjy...

Saturday, May 08, 2004


吹吹风 紧握手 说再见
放下电话 整夜失眠 闭上眼 明天又是蓝天

说说话 寒寒暄 消失在人海之间
放下电话 心存感谢 没有我的明天


Friday, May 07, 2004


吹吹风 紧握手 说再见
放下电话 整夜失眠 闭上眼 明天又是蓝天

说说话 寒寒暄 消失在人海之间
放下电话 心存感谢 没有我的明天


ji1 mao2 ling4 jian4

i've just realised, i am actually also one of them.. those who use chicken feather as ling jian people. in that case, maybe i am of no diff to wendy. it's the attitude. it's the tone of voice and body language. it is especially difficult when the subject are also erm.. "informed"-- an "informed" consumer is hard to please.. so i guess it's the same in this case. have to work on it.

on the other hand, maybe it's just becos, ming bu zheng, yan bu shun.. highly possible. but if that's really the case, then forget it lor.. all those who dun believe in me can stop asking me for watever they want. i can literally wash my hands off things. why should i even bother?

talkin bout things.. RO is wrong today again. nvm lor.. the whole camp not in. who carez...

really dun know what to expect of myself..

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Praise the LORD

For those who dun know bout it- i lost my wallet on 29 Apr 04. Yes.. blur ernest has striked again! and of cos, in times of distress, i turned to the LORD. after days there's still no news to my wallet...

But my LORD is indeed a mighty and merciful One. and He knows my needs and answer prayers. i just received a letter from police dept asking me to collect my wallet, with my 11B inside.

There was some cash in my wallet but i guess it doesn't matter to me now. I mean, it is already very gracious of Him to give me back my wallet. I know that this blur blur, forgetful ernest doesn't deserve it but He is kind to me.

Thank you Father!

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

news article.

what's the world coming to??

principal hit his female student with a SOFT cover book. another parent, whose child wasn;t hit complained!!!.. principal resign... MOE also say principal is wrong. wtf...

i guess it's obvious that it's the girl's fault which gives her her deserved hit. why must some kay po parent go and complain!!

so.. learning pt.. i shouldn't complain so much also.. should complain bout DO etc.. cos.. well.. in life, yi ge yuan da, yi ge yuan ai, and hence so be it..

Monday, May 03, 2004

BOLD the movies u have seen...

1. X-Men
2. The Craft
3. X2 : X-Men United
4. Swimfan
5. Fellowship of the Ring
6. Finding Nemo
7. Peter Pan
8. Home Alone
9. Aladdin
10. The Ring jap version
11. 10 Things I Hate About You
12. Not Another Teen Movie
13. Spiceworld
14. 8 Mile
15. Bambi
16. Pirates of the Carribean
17. Edward Scissorhands
18. Stepmom
19. My Best Friends Wedding
20. 101 Dalmatians
21. Scream
22. Scream 2
23. Scream 3
24. Big Daddy
25. Billy Madison
26. Chamber of Secrets
27. Sorcerer Stone
28. Heartbreakers
29. Dumb & Dumber
30. Cruel Intentions
31. Scary Movie
32. Look Who's Talking
33. Blade
34. Blade II
35. O
36. Titanic
37. Carrie
38. Carrie 2: The Rage
39. Daddy Day Care
40. Legally Blonde
41. Austin Powers
42. Storm of the Century
43. Oliver and Company
44. The Two Towers
45. The Return of the King
46. Mighty Ducks
47. Fast and the Furious
48. 2 Fast, 2 Furious
49. A Walk To Remember
50. Triple X
51. Beauty and the Beast
52. I Know What You Did Last Summer
53. I Still Know What You Did Last Summer

54. Sound of Music
55. Mary Poppins
56. Tuck Everlasting
57. The Patriot
58. The Wizard of Oz
59. Killing Ms. Tingle
60. Crossroads
61. Now and Then
62. Pearl Harbor
63. Just Married
64. Cast Away
65. Radio Flyer
66. Final Destination
67. Lady and the Tramp
68. Shallow Hal
69. 40 Days and 40 Nights
70. Bring It On
71. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
72. The Outsiders
73. The Matrix
74. Perfect Storm
75. Austin Powers 2
76. Never Been Kissed
77. Clueless
78. Bruce Almighty
79. Remember the Titans
81. Girl, Interrupted
82. SWAT
83. Sixth Sense
84. Phone Booth
85. The Lion King

86. Urban Legends
87. Nightflier
88. Lion King 1 & 1/2
89. Little Mermaid
90. American Pie
91. Center Stage
92. Scooby Doo
93. Bedazzled
94. Mrs. Doubtfire
95. Save the Last Dance
96. My Girl
97. American Beauty
98. Romeo & Juliet
99. Lost World
100. Casper

Sunday, May 02, 2004

i guess i din handle the situation correctly.

cal was asking for people to share cab home at 1200hrs as he'd missed his last bus. so wm and wx agreed. but i din't. i know at that pt of time, cal is asking for assistance to share his cab fare. but, unfortunately, at the great deficit i am having right now. i really dun think i can help. so i took bus home. leaving wm and wx to share cab. am i wrong.

i tot maybe, if cal dun have cash, he can borrow. if he wants people to share his burden.,.. i tot of contributing 5 bucks or so.. **i stayed in tampines, if we share cab, i will have to pay majority, since my journey is the longest. i dun think i can pay and affort today..** but think again, i guess it's rude for me to just give 5 bucks with them and i take bus home, they will think that i am have AP. that's why i din't share the sum in the end..

so what's the solution? i dun know.. i knwo it's not rightly dealt with.. but i have no choice.. so be it....