Friday, May 21, 2004

breakfast talk

.:mr vincent:.
天有不测之风云,人有旦夕之祸福。对于我们生活中认为理所当然的事,我们必须心纯感激。生活中的点滴都是恩典。而且生命的确脆弱。而且祸不单行,我真不知道这场大病会对他的事业有何影响。老实说,我还真的蛮佩服他太太,每当我碰到她,她表现的很坚强。是的... 非常坚强... 仍然乐观,毫无沮丧。maj lim says that he's not going to ask for add staff from dsta, to minimise having him from losing his job. =)
was talking bout rizal.. then talk bout dominic.. then about wilson... then.. shaun chan..  there are reallly many different kind of people from all walks of life and with different paths to take. maj lim is right.. maybe i am have a 回忆录 after my ORD>. ha.aha.. if i should i have.. i can start writing now.. really.. maybe i should write after processing each ORD case? haha.. maybe..
.:helping with TO job:.
i know why cco insist on asking me out from breakfast already... 拿人手短,吃人觜软。i was asked to help a bit , a bit only.. with mr vincent's job... =) okay lah, at least i felt that it's worth helping.

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