Monday, September 27, 2010

"I know it is hard to believe when people say they understand. But I really do understand. I understand feeling as small and as insignificant as humanly possible, and how it can actually ache in places you didn't know you had inside you, and it doesn't matter how many new gadgets you get, or gyms you join, or how many drinks you drink with your friends... you still go to bed every night going over every detail and wonder what you did wrong, or how you could have misunderstood, and how in the hell for that brief moment you could think that you were that happy. And sometimes you can even convince yourself that someone see the light and show up at your door. This expectation and wait sometimes makes it a lot worse for you,  while you still hold onto this last bleak ideal, in the hope... something magically will just happen in the last min and all will be well. Its the expectation, and hope that kills and hurts us the most, not the reality. "

Friday, September 03, 2010


《后青春期的诗》五月天 第389期)

〈突然好想你〉平静的主歌,激昂的副歌交织青春悲喜情愫。阿信的旋律感更加成熟,但仍用少年的吶喊唱腔,阿信低音鼻音稍重,中高音表现亮眼。会想起周杰伦的〈彩虹〉,只是五月天激动得多。〈生存以上 生活以下〉喧闹摇滚之间,发人深省。只是感觉副歌节奏反而变淡,有些虎头蛇尾。〈你不是真正的快乐〉前奏直接破题,煽情动听,旋律很有记点又不失特色,应会再造流行。但副歌最猛的一句「难道就真的抱着遗憾…」太像王菲〈矜持〉主歌及副歌的最末句,是巧合?〈爆肝〉〈噢买尬〉连续2首high歌,五月天本色!〈出头天〉励志温暖台语歌,副歌写得精彩。〈春天的吶喊〉带点蓝调趣味的庞克摇滚,副歌没High起来有些可惜。〈夜访吸血鬼〉词意走秀异奇幻风,主歌有周杰伦〈夜曲〉的味道,但整体很有戏剧张力,后段阿信唱得入心。〈后青春期的诗〉如诗一般,只是感觉阿信一直都在吶喊?「盛夏正要一天一天…」好像又用了之前「难道就真的抱着遗憾…」的旋律?
