Sunday, April 25, 2010


我坐在床前 望著窗外 回憶滿天

生命是華麗錯覺 時間是賊 偷走一切

七歲的那一年 抓住那隻蟬 以為能抓住夏天

十七歲的那年 吻過他的臉 就以為和他能永遠


有沒有那麼一種永遠 永遠不改變 

擁抱過的美麗都 再也不破碎


讓生離和死別都遙遠 有誰能聽見

下個世界才有永遠不變。那這個世界。。。 還真是煩


我坐在床前 轉過頭看 誰在沉睡

那一張蒼老的臉 好像是我 緊閉雙眼

曾經是愛我的 和我深愛的 都圍繞在我身邊

帶不走的那些 遺憾和眷戀 都化成最後一滴淚


有沒有那麼一滴眼淚 能洗掉後悔

化成大雨降落在 回不去的街

再給我一次機會 將故事改寫

還欠了他一生的 一句抱歉




有沒有那麼一個世界 永遠不天黑

星星太陽萬物都 聽我的指揮

月亮不忙著圓缺 春天不走遠

樹梢緊緊擁抱著樹葉 有誰能聽見



耳際 眼前 此生重演 是我來自漆黑 而又回歸漆黑

人間 瞬間 天地之間 下次我 又是誰


有沒有那麼一朵玫瑰 永遠不凋謝

永遠驕傲和完美 永遠不妥協


還不如一片花瓣 曾經鮮豔


有沒有那麼一張書籤 停止那一天

最單純的笑臉和 最美那一年


雙眼只有無猜和無邪 讓我們無法無天


有沒有那麼一首詩篇 找不到句點

青春永遠定居在 我們的歲月


笑忘人間的苦痛 只有甜美


有沒有那麼一個明天 重頭活一遍

讓我再次感受曾 揮霍的昨天

無論生存或生活 我都不浪費


有誰能聽見 我不要告別 

我坐在床前 看著指尖 已經如煙

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

root prob

the root problem is... 

now that we know the truth.. we cant run and we cant hide.

suddenly reminds me of a lousy movie 大隻佬. in the show, andy lau had enlightenment and saw 因果。after that he quit being a monk and gave up his buddhist pursuit.

at times, i felt unhappy. at times, i felt happier than being unhappier. but that isnt much.  

Monday, April 12, 2010

dreamerize sent you a video: "五月天 [ 放肆 ] MV 官方完整版"

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就放肆爱放肆追 放肆去闯 放肆是我的信仰
再不去闯 梦想永远只会 是一个梦
想太多又想太重的梦想 还不如乾脆不多想
每一个险恶的浪 都会有浪花绽放 我决定边冲边欣赏
牛顿要我们都活在地上 偏偏我就想要飞翔
要挣脱命运捆绑 要推翻柏林围墙 要站上巨人的肩膀
梦想永远是逆向 一路都有人阻挡
人们说的荒唐却是我的心中的天堂 !
就放肆爱放肆追 放肆去闯 放肆的大闹一场
不能原谅 如果很多年后 我还是这样
就放肆爱放肆追 放肆去闯 放肆是我的信仰
再不去闯 梦想永远只会 是一个梦想
哥伦布只要有一颗星光 就胆敢横越大西洋
我还有一把吉他 我还有一群死党 为什麽还不大声唱
达尔文假设生命是战场 就让我基因不投降
把伤痕装满手掌 把鼓声装满心脏 把歌声装满肺活量
梦想永远是逆光 只有剪影的模样
会有什麽细节 什麽体验 不要只猜想!
就放肆爱放肆追 放肆去闯 放肆的大闹一场
不能原谅 如果很多年后 我还是这样
就放肆爱放肆追 放肆去闯 放肆是我的信仰
再不去闯 梦想永远只会 是一个梦想
就放肆爱放肆追 放肆去闯 放肆的大闹一场
不能原谅 如果很多年后 我还是这样
就放肆爱放肆追 放肆去闯 放肆是我的信仰
再不去闯 梦想永远只会 是一个梦想


再不去闯 梦想永远只会 是一个梦想


one step at a time and be stingy with chills and rest. do your part ernest. you need to do your part. more
「百事巨星」第一次啟用天團 大手筆捧出三千顆白金級手工水晶鑲造"天字號"專屬吉他
代言主題曲【放肆】MV 「演唱會之王」五月天重溫創團奮鬥史

「百事群星」一次加入五位新成員 五月天代言百事可樂「蓋世群音」百事樂隊大賽

千萬顆彩色玻璃珠傾盆而下 鏡頭前華麗炫目 鏡頭下煞費苦心

  這支【放肆】MV同時也是百事可樂代言廣告片,為了營造出華麗炫目的舞台效果,在棚內拍攝時劇組特別準備了數以萬計的彩色玻璃珠,整桶整桶的朝著五月天團員頭上傾盆而下,所有人卻還得不動聲色的故做帥氣彈奏樂器,任憑渾身被傾瀉而下的玻璃珠痛砸,鼓手冠佑敬業的等到導演喊「卡」時,才起身抖落身上的彩色玻璃珠,而拍片現場也相當倡行「節能減碳」環保風,每傾倒一次玻璃珠,所有的工作人員便必須蜂擁而上拾起所有的珠子,再靠人力扛著桶子爬上... more
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msn display pics

in zzy's own words, "ernest snatch zyy mac to take his msn display pic. ernest exclaimed, 'popart is damn cool!"

yes.. and i realise it's only cool on the mac. the pictures looks damn good and cool on his mac but now that i am looking at them on my pc.. erm.. it's actually not erm.. not worth exclaiming. hahaha .. 

Friday, April 09, 2010

keep your eyes on the prize

"i wun give up.... i swear i will be true. 
for it's said by the wise, keep your eyes on the prize.. and i kept my eyes on you... "

there's time i am capable for more. keep trying and keep trying. there's something more for you. cos He will give me more. 

Monday, April 05, 2010

dreamerize sent you a video: "梁文福 - 一步一步來 - Step By Step"

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dreamerize has shared a video with you on YouTube:

梁文福 - 一步一步來 - Step By Step
© 2010 YouTube, LLC
901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066

Sunday, April 04, 2010

church-less easter

Exodus 3:14
14And God said to Moses, "I am who I am."…

a space that only God can fill. 

and He is everything that we need. what do i need? i need a passion, i need a love of my life. 
it's been many years since i have a churchless easter. 

by right.. 
it is a great thing in the year. a great reminder about WHY am i here. that i have a debt. that i have a debt that has to be paid forward. but this GOOD news has to be accompanied by GREAT JOY. 

only a gospel preached with conviction and joy is able to heal and make one whole. 

you dun get to be loved until you start loving.. 

i start to think bout my days in shanghai hengshan church. miss the afternoons that i have travelled alone all the way to hengshan jus for a church service. knowing that my God is waiting for me to hear from Him. knowing that there are children waiting to hear from Him thru me. as i was teaching and watching the children running around, felt that the church is such a sheltered place from the outside world. and the little children are so fortunate. in fact, i felt like a little child in the church... sheltered.

i still remember the feeling of stepping out of the church and right outside the church is a busy chinese bustling street. if you have watch wongfeihong movie, it's that kind of feeling. stepping out of the ANGMO embassy and into the streets of china. suddenly, you see and feel that difference. the tranquil disrupted by the car engines and horning. 

back to what God said to Moses.... i must remember that He is Whoever i need. and i know He is a lover of me and my soul. He cares about me and I am not alone. tmr is a new week and He wants to go move on so that He will show me the way that He is prepared for me. 
Fret not. Fear not.

Saturday, April 03, 2010

