Monday, April 10, 2006

To let you noe more about me...

hmm.. dun know if the following is chain blog or not.. bleeeeh.. well.. doing for the fun of it.

Four things that make me smile:

1. babies
2. thinking about the happy past
3. being in group of friends which i am happy with
4. CAP5

Four ways to win my heart:

(In order of importance)

1. say you love me
2. erm.. accept who i am
3. talk to me
4. pretty~

four things i believe in:

1. to find live out The Purpose in my life
2. 以德报怨
3. "if anything goes wrong, find fault with myself first" then you realise there's no pt finding fault with people.
4. There is a God.

four things i am afraid of

1. Loneliness.
2. knowing that i can never make it.
3. the unknown future.
4. that i will live to regret

four things i do everyday:

1. browse thru the regular blog
2. read "calvin and hobbs"
3. devotion
4. trying to study

four things/people i want to see now:
1. ..
2. ??
3. =0
4. >.<

four people who should do this:
(need not to be filled in. =p)

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