Friday, September 24, 2004


i think the above is one of my most commonly used title..

a few days ago.. on a tuesday.

went to tekong to collect docket and of cos.. will visit wah wah.. finally get to see him on tekong island. 2 times he's out field/out of camp(wits course) and 1 time he's sleeping! he says he's too lazy to walk out.. of his watever.. block,office etc.. erm.. wondering what kind of life is he having..

i will say, yuwei has the best life among us all.. taking into consideration, stay in/out, pay, jobscope, distance from camp and all the shit work we are having.. weilun has the worst of all.. i think.. for me and huawei? erm.. hard to determine.. diff cat altogether, i stay out, he more pay, mine is far from house, his is offshore(but he stay in and can wake up damn late, assuming no parents call to scold him lah.. =)))

if i have cliques, weiming etc.. is one. and they are the 2nd one.. can't think of other cliques i have in school...

back to office at bout 1300hrs.. and i talk to mrs seet bout wong's job, problems.. etc..
sigh.. kind of disappointed with her. i think my impression of her is quite shaken. and of cos, i know she is not takin in my views. i think she even think that i am crossin my line to talk bout such issues.. but can't she see that the only reason why i even bother to talk to her, is that i think she's avail/willing to listen. i am tryin to be nice to tell her what's the ground opinion about her, that maybe she can do something.. or maybe it can be a 2-way thing. but i guess she's not compromising her stand..i dun know, may be management level is as such that you cannot be too soft in case you are being taken advantage of...

i really dun know what i am doing is right or wrong. i dun know what's my role.. maybe i should jus shut up and do my stuffs.. but yet..

i help ken to talk to maj wee bout reducing his duties cos he's helping my side for mob. (i nv tot i will dare to do such thing) help wong to air his prob (at least bring up or tryin to help) dun know lah..

oh yes.. i am going for EX HN! meaning i can clear my leave 2 weeks earlier. come back for ex, then ORD.....~ yeah..

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