Sunday, February 22, 2004

wage theory

i have attempt to provide an answer as to why am i underpaid!!! however, failed. SAF set the demand and set the supply. imptly, they set the price. they are even more capable than monopoly!!! cos they are communits@

i think i am underpaid cos i think i am doing a spec job and yet i am paid little.
weming also think he's underpaid. he's a spec, doing a major's job.
jevin also think he's underpaid. he's an officer doing what a professional/regular is doing.

man are just a greedy kind. BUT I do wish to justify for my unhappines bout my pay. i am also doing what a regular is doing and that regular is earning erm.. 2-3k. so, isn't it much like jevin's case?

but let's think, maybe the maj is doing a LTC's job and so on... it's the norm to be underpaid! maybe that will make me feel better.

mrs seet is cc, but she's doing an AO job.

ms to is fo, and mind you.. she's the FO for whole HQ cum all the brigades.. ~

let's accept our lot

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