Thursday, October 07, 2004

wat for?

I haven't had time to give much thought to this, but I have come to the decision to let this site go.

These couple of months, I have never quite desired to blog. I updated because friends wanted to know what I've been up to. I blogged because there was an audience to account to. I wasn't blogging because I wanted to, or enjoyed blogging. That made me realised it was probably time to take a break.

Having gone through two weeks of grad school, 4 weeks of coping with a long-distance relationship, I don't think I can find the time, nor the effort to continue maintaining things here the way I would have wanted to (and to the extent that it would make my USD60 subscription worthwhile). Together with all that, I was also dealing with large amount of spam mail coming from the site.

I'm not closing out the possibility of returning to the blogging circle through one of those free blogging sites, but there are no plans for that at the moment. Not for the next couple of weeks. I just want to get ahead of schedule (on my work) so that I can spend quality and quantity time with Eric when he comes over for the Columbus weekend.

Life's simple when you have your priorities. Loved ones, friends and then work. That's what I live by, and so what's yours?

Thanks for being a great audience, for being there to share my days with me. And for those who have also stood by me through the years that have passed, words cannot represent how grateful I am for your presence in my life.
-- copied from my bags aren't packed but i am ready to go

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