Monday, May 16, 2005

tuesday with morie.

been reading the book for the past few days.. going to finish it soon. yes.. it's a nice book giving you insights about life from a dying person. he says words which sounds like pearls of wisdom. mainly tellin us that earning money is not the most impt thing but the pple that you are having, and the time invested in people will be evidently more 'profitable' than money. it's your wife who will be with you at your deathbed and take care of you when you are sick. it's the vists from friends that he treasures. till he's going to die, he can still be optismistic about his illness and con't trying to be useful, by trying to talk to pple and give pple advice. but then, each time when he mentioned about what's the real and impt thing in life, i start to wonder if he's saying is correct. i mean.. he's dying but not dead. how can he be sure that the philosophy he's holding is correct even after death?

this book is one of the best-selling books. i guess maybe they think that the words of the dying person is worth listening to. they know that it's a true account for there's such a person called morie. but then again... what if hundred years down the road, will they still be interested and take the converstaions recorded in the book as beneficial? wil lthey think that it's a book purely fictional and the character is also a fiction? we have the Bible today, which gives us the true account of the true person who came to this earth 2000 years ago. not only that he says things and teaches many lessons about life before his pending death, he rose again and gave more lessons and warning to us concering our whereabouts after our deaths. why wun we believe in the account?

nvm.. but well.. it's a true account and that's why many have believed then. even then, as well as now, we are still givin the faith to believe.. i wish to world will believe.. and come to know that there's this God. and not other types of gods..

for those who believes in science and truly believes that this world is formed from nothing.. you believe in your experients and text books etc.. generations of years down the road, will they still believe that watever written in our textbooks? will they ever thing that it's a conspiracy to standardize all the textbooks in the world to tell us the there's a water-cycle etc.. if they can.. why woundn'twe believe the accoutns our forefathers wrote for us in the bible, that we may believe and know

well.. i dun know..

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