i rem during rag, when jk was shouting like crazy over the time and duration and the nubmer of people in the box.. i heard some people commenting over the mad cry and shouting. to some, it's a lack of composure, to others may be a means to get impt things done. who is to judge? whose opinions matter most? i think we all know the answer.. God's opinions is most impt.
saying is easy but how often can i seek His approval before i seek to please people. why do people want to please people? cos they want to feel popular among the people... they feel that with more people liking them, they can be a better and happier person.
how do i push for my agenda is a prob. when i tot this is the best for people, it may not be. judgements are flawed for me.. or maybe cos i cannot think like the majority. things that i think should be is not what it is. sigh.. the main thing is, do i ever have to, or need to, or should, push for my own agenda to be delivered.
i wish i can motivate people to work.. i wish.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
how people do things
i rem during rag, when jk was shouting like crazy over the time and duration and the nubmer of people in the box.. i heard some people commenting over the mad cry and shouting. to some, it's a lack of composure, to others may be a means to get impt things done. who is to judge? whose opinions matter most? i think we all know the answer.. God's opinions is most impt.
saying is easy but how often can i seek His approval before i seek to please people. why do people want to please people? cos they want to feel popular among the people... they feel that with more people liking them, they can be a better and happier person.
how do i push for my agenda is a prob. when i tot this is the best for people, it may not be. judgements are flawed for me.. or maybe cos i cannot think like the majority. things that i think should be is not what it is. sigh.. the main thing is, do i ever have to, or need to, or should, push for my own agenda to be delivered.
i wish i can motivate people to work.. i wish.
saying is easy but how often can i seek His approval before i seek to please people. why do people want to please people? cos they want to feel popular among the people... they feel that with more people liking them, they can be a better and happier person.
how do i push for my agenda is a prob. when i tot this is the best for people, it may not be. judgements are flawed for me.. or maybe cos i cannot think like the majority. things that i think should be is not what it is. sigh.. the main thing is, do i ever have to, or need to, or should, push for my own agenda to be delivered.
i wish i can motivate people to work.. i wish.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
draw the line
i can still remember the time when i deliberately thought that being slow in thoughts and things is actually not bad. but i guess it's no longer. but i am still very lazy. lazy to react.. rather.. i choose to trust that people will not do things that require me to react fast in order to save my life.
am i naive?
am i naive?
路得记 3:16-18
[16] 路 得 回 到 婆 婆 那 里 , 婆 婆 说 : 女 儿 啊 , 怎 么 样 了 ? 路 得 就 将 那 人 向 他 所 行 的 述 说 了 一 遍 ,
[17] 又 说 : 那 人 给 了 我 六 簸 箕 大 麦 , 对 我 说 : 你 不 可 空 手 回 去 见 你 的 婆 婆 。
[18] 婆 婆 说 : 女 儿 啊 , 你 只 管 安 坐 等 候 , 看 这 事 怎 样 成 就 , 因 为 那 人 今 日 不 办 成 这 事 必 不 休 息 。
truly, there are times when we are supposed to do nothing but to wait. it's when we have done our part and we know that our worrying will not add a stature to His thoughts. if so, just leave it to Him and wait for Him to take care of us.
however.. it's when we hae done our part. often i have not done my utmost.. that's why i choose to worry.. esp when you know that you have not done enough and i am afraid that God will not be please with my little doings. so.. it's time to improve..
1. do the things without slacking.. with the utmost effort.. so that you can have the assurance and peace to rest after working!!!
jia you
[16] 路 得 回 到 婆 婆 那 里 , 婆 婆 说 : 女 儿 啊 , 怎 么 样 了 ? 路 得 就 将 那 人 向 他 所 行 的 述 说 了 一 遍 ,
[17] 又 说 : 那 人 给 了 我 六 簸 箕 大 麦 , 对 我 说 : 你 不 可 空 手 回 去 见 你 的 婆 婆 。
[18] 婆 婆 说 : 女 儿 啊 , 你 只 管 安 坐 等 候 , 看 这 事 怎 样 成 就 , 因 为 那 人 今 日 不 办 成 这 事 必 不 休 息 。
truly, there are times when we are supposed to do nothing but to wait. it's when we have done our part and we know that our worrying will not add a stature to His thoughts. if so, just leave it to Him and wait for Him to take care of us.
however.. it's when we hae done our part. often i have not done my utmost.. that's why i choose to worry.. esp when you know that you have not done enough and i am afraid that God will not be please with my little doings. so.. it's time to improve..
1. do the things without slacking.. with the utmost effort.. so that you can have the assurance and peace to rest after working!!!
jia you
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
johari window
was explaining to ivan what is johari's window. and i was even thinking in my mind and trying to explain what does the windows help in the EQ of the person. if eq is about knowing yourself and behaving in the way people will like you.. then..
crap.. dun know what am i talking....
skip skip
recently, i haerd bout this person being capable but not people oriented. i see for myself people who flare up during the heat or the peak of the event. i saw people that i really taken my hat off them. i also see people who was a nice guy but yet people dun like to listen to him.
it goes back to the same prob. that is only the choleric persons are heard. as much as they are hated or being commented, the fact is very true that they are being heard. so... if you wish to be heared.. are you willing to take upon that personality?
i am oversensitive.. i see a little of me in terms of thinking/behavior/emotions in everyone. i feel that i can emphathize with a lot a lot of people but i will never know if my feeling is accurate or not.
will talk next time.. blah! tired. need to sleep!!!
crap.. dun know what am i talking....
skip skip
recently, i haerd bout this person being capable but not people oriented. i see for myself people who flare up during the heat or the peak of the event. i saw people that i really taken my hat off them. i also see people who was a nice guy but yet people dun like to listen to him.
it goes back to the same prob. that is only the choleric persons are heard. as much as they are hated or being commented, the fact is very true that they are being heard. so... if you wish to be heared.. are you willing to take upon that personality?
i am oversensitive.. i see a little of me in terms of thinking/behavior/emotions in everyone. i feel that i can emphathize with a lot a lot of people but i will never know if my feeling is accurate or not.
will talk next time.. blah! tired. need to sleep!!!
Monday, August 21, 2006
wallowing in the blog
that;s what ivan say about myself..
okie.. so? i sitll have to jot down what i have to say to myself. =)
okie.. so? i sitll have to jot down what i have to say to myself. =)
2nd chance
i am still holding on to my second chance.. but there's this force that is sucking me back to my hole.. what is that force?
1. the self hallucination that i am not needed..
indeed, less me one no less.. but less me one == i lose many many.. so not worth it..
2. blhab lah
dun know lah.. just trying to blog.. something.
blog surf one of the nights.. and easily found ernnie and kenneth blog.. hav a little insights bout their life.. also found jianhui blog.. if i knew him trhu his blog.. i wil lhave a different opinions of him.. wat the hell.. why am i looking and knowing people thru this virutal realm..
get a life.
1. the self hallucination that i am not needed..
indeed, less me one no less.. but less me one == i lose many many.. so not worth it..
2. blhab lah
dun know lah.. just trying to blog.. something.
blog surf one of the nights.. and easily found ernnie and kenneth blog.. hav a little insights bout their life.. also found jianhui blog.. if i knew him trhu his blog.. i wil lhave a different opinions of him.. wat the hell.. why am i looking and knowing people thru this virutal realm..
get a life.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
3rd run this month
i had my 3rd run this month. thank God for new friends to ask me for run. as what i have told yunika today... i am asking myself why am i staying in hall for the 2nd year. i think i know the answer. that's to give myself a second chance. to catch up with the things that i nv get to experience in year 1.
back in year one, i think i am happier in sem 2, when my com started. i must say that i am dependent on others. and the people in my coms are good in making people feel at ease and home. francis said, "whenever i see you, you are doing CMB stuffs". i guess i dun wish to hide in my room all day.. but what can i do when people around me are just as such.. fuhua hang out with his smoke gang; zhihan busy with medicine; sumeet not understandable; sukiang and kai xiang busy with themselves; weiwei in his final year tho he entertained me the most. no big clique to allow me to hide in the confidence of crowd, and hence no reason for me to crawl out of my hole. even during runs.. erm.. i tot i am pretty much as good as running alone.. when they were passing their handball around. i am just not warmed up enough or open up enough.
this year is a second chance ba. i am a changed man or so i thought. i realise as much as i like to be funnie. i am tryin too hard
back to what i want to say.. i want to thank God for people around me this year who somehow allows me a little chance to talk more. and to play more. however, i need to change one more thing about me. that's the look as if i am joking when i am joking. i guess people are afraid to joke with me or reciprocate jokes becos i am over tense and taking their joking comments too seriously.
thank God for tech crew com treat today.. had a nice meal.. but talking bout chairing tech crew. i guess junxiong is the wanted choice.. for he's indeed a better people person. his percieved composure is added trust from people. if i going to take up chairperson role this year, i must make sure i learn along the way.
back in year one, i think i am happier in sem 2, when my com started. i must say that i am dependent on others. and the people in my coms are good in making people feel at ease and home. francis said, "whenever i see you, you are doing CMB stuffs". i guess i dun wish to hide in my room all day.. but what can i do when people around me are just as such.. fuhua hang out with his smoke gang; zhihan busy with medicine; sumeet not understandable; sukiang and kai xiang busy with themselves; weiwei in his final year tho he entertained me the most. no big clique to allow me to hide in the confidence of crowd, and hence no reason for me to crawl out of my hole. even during runs.. erm.. i tot i am pretty much as good as running alone.. when they were passing their handball around. i am just not warmed up enough or open up enough.
this year is a second chance ba. i am a changed man or so i thought. i realise as much as i like to be funnie. i am tryin too hard
rule number one: dun ever repeat things that you meant it to be funnie unless it's very necessary.
back to what i want to say.. i want to thank God for people around me this year who somehow allows me a little chance to talk more. and to play more. however, i need to change one more thing about me. that's the look as if i am joking when i am joking. i guess people are afraid to joke with me or reciprocate jokes becos i am over tense and taking their joking comments too seriously.
learning pt: i guess i must learn to listen and accept and change but not giving a very sad serious reaction when i hear comments.
thank God for tech crew com treat today.. had a nice meal.. but talking bout chairing tech crew. i guess junxiong is the wanted choice.. for he's indeed a better people person. his percieved composure is added trust from people. if i going to take up chairperson role this year, i must make sure i learn along the way.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
my friend asked me to scribble somethign for him.. so.. here it goes..
注意你生活上的点滴 但只是为了暗暗记在心里
以朋友的名义试着靠近 称兄道弟却是我最乐观的期望
相知到你心里有谁 不盼望自己有一席之位
只希望在你恋爱过程 有一军师的地位
问你明天的节目 不是为了参与
三人电影 五人晚餐 七人游戏
独自幻想 一人发呆 单人壁球
刚开学,我还能“兴奋”, “乐观参与” 多久,我不知道。but i am a changed new man. at least that's what i have been saying. i will change.
找出时间来玩dota, 跑步、踢球等。希望能激励我面对生活上不能避免的竞争。不怕输,勇往直前。
圣徒菲力普•布洛(Phillips Brooks 1835-1893)曾说过:“不要祈求舒适的生活,要祈求成为坚强的男人和女人;不要祈求工作適合自己的能力,要祈求有足够能力来完成工作;这样,完成你的工作就不再是件神迹,而是你本身变成那神迹。每一天你将为自己,以及神按恩典给你的丰盛生命感到惊叹。”
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Monday, August 14, 2006
rag, a dream
what have i done during the 3mth holiday? other than my part-time part-timing at bally. i must thank God for the many times with church pple. the chance to go out as and when and of cos rest at home. but my july is still used up for hall orientation and some days for chess camp.
chess camp has been fulfilling. it makes me realise that i can still try to be friendly. it's another event that i manage to be unable to convince people that i am an introvert. tho the OG outing stops.. i know it has left a small mark on me.
swoc camp is another orientation. and again, i struggle with the inability to make the group a winning group. yes.. games is about the process but whenever i heard them being discouraged bout not winning.. i wonder whose fault is it... it is me? yes.. i wish i am more game for games. but still.. i manage to make friends i hope.
rag... the end of orientation. i guess i am a person who feels for rag. that kind of person who will be willing to join if conditions allows. at this point of time, i want to reassure myself that i dint join rag for the purpose of more time with friends and family and church is being fulfilled. but still.. after losing rag this year, i feel that i wish to do something better next year. if God willing, i think i will plunge into it. maybe.
people in rag impressed me. the designers, and the meticulous work by every one. honestly, i do think that we have the best float in terms of quality work. every single scale that is on the train. when our float dint win, i look at the rag people. at that moment, i thought how blessed is it to have a team of people working towards a common goal, even if it fails, they stand together. pple cried... kathy, jung kiat, jung seong.. looking at them, i am kinda motivated.
i have one comn in hand. sndcc.. something that i should be fighting for right now. i shant make another regretful move. move on.

tmr start school. my resolution in progress.
chess camp has been fulfilling. it makes me realise that i can still try to be friendly. it's another event that i manage to be unable to convince people that i am an introvert. tho the OG outing stops.. i know it has left a small mark on me.
swoc camp is another orientation. and again, i struggle with the inability to make the group a winning group. yes.. games is about the process but whenever i heard them being discouraged bout not winning.. i wonder whose fault is it... it is me? yes.. i wish i am more game for games. but still.. i manage to make friends i hope.
rag... the end of orientation. i guess i am a person who feels for rag. that kind of person who will be willing to join if conditions allows. at this point of time, i want to reassure myself that i dint join rag for the purpose of more time with friends and family and church is being fulfilled. but still.. after losing rag this year, i feel that i wish to do something better next year. if God willing, i think i will plunge into it. maybe.
people in rag impressed me. the designers, and the meticulous work by every one. honestly, i do think that we have the best float in terms of quality work. every single scale that is on the train. when our float dint win, i look at the rag people. at that moment, i thought how blessed is it to have a team of people working towards a common goal, even if it fails, they stand together. pple cried... kathy, jung kiat, jung seong.. looking at them, i am kinda motivated.
i have one comn in hand. sndcc.. something that i should be fighting for right now. i shant make another regretful move. move on.

tmr start school. my resolution in progress.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
rag day~ a dream
back from rag. to some, it may be a tiring day. to some, it's inevitable to be sad cos we dint win the supposedly judges opinions. but i believe to all of us, the best float is what we have in sheares hall. the details, the scales, and the dream that accompanies it is what our rag is all about.
i am not in rag and i will never be able to empathesize the pain of the 3 months' hard work but i guess this rag is again another event for block d to go thru together. =)

rag involves almost everyone... as major as the main comn or as silent as the logistics. and well.. logistics has also played a part. =) also must take photo lor.~ =)
and i have heared this many times and i agree..
rag is a dream. will i make it mine one day. ?
i am not in rag and i will never be able to empathesize the pain of the 3 months' hard work but i guess this rag is again another event for block d to go thru together. =)

rag involves almost everyone... as major as the main comn or as silent as the logistics. and well.. logistics has also played a part. =) also must take photo lor.~ =)
and i have heared this many times and i agree..
rag is a dream. will i make it mine one day. ?
Monday, August 07, 2006
i dun know how to start.. wheter to say from "i am in the wrong" perspective or should i just be just selfish bout myself... i shall try to push away my low-esteem self and really pour my criticism.. hm.. ifi can..
what is hall?? i think it has seriously evolved into a place for people just to live in.. no longer a hall culture or stuffs like that. we are just neighbours.. like HDB.. it's up to you whether you want to know your neighbours.. we have the block comm (HDB has their RCs) you can join the clubs to know more pple and blah..
no more ragging.. which is.. sigh.. i mean.. it's just for fun isn't it? it's just like no more tekan in army.. which you can say it's good that everyone is just the same like one big family.. but we know that sometimes people are just very nostelgic about traditions. pple feel that it's the tradition that is important.. instill the culture..
but sometimes, at this age people dun care bout seniority, age and generations.. as long as you can make it.. and you can push things thru, you can just do it..
adrain is one who has been in hall for years.. being in swoc and many other things gives him a lot of things to see and also a lot of things to say.. but how receptive are people to him? that's another thing.
if you have seen the show "玻璃之城"... the one with shuqi and leon lai.. about how they get to know each other in HK uni when they were staying in hall.. blah.. i think that's what hall life is.. maybe.
when the block get cliqish.. people are worried.. adrain was trying to help.. trying to keep the block as one.. (i seriously think it's difficult).. matt instead say, "let their own batch decide" and adrain actually reply, "ya.. maybe.. we shant become those 老不死." maybe.. at times should learn when to let go.... whether they sink or swim.. we are not in the sea with them.. so we cannot decide too..
cliqish.. actually.. isn't a bad idea.. sheares made up of 5 blocks.. and each block made up of cliques.. it's normal lor.. so what if the batch dun have clique.. chio's batch have those active pple like erm.. those MOE pple.. i think.. and the rest.. the freshies have pple who knows each other in JC already.. and those from SECC.. ..
my batch.. seriously.. i dun know.. i also dun know why am i cont to stay.. i am just trying to give myself another chance to have a little higher EQ.. if it can be developed.
i said that it will be more fun if i were not a councillor.. was thinking that.. erm.. well.. i feel like a freshie among them lor.. but if i am not councillor.. i really dun think i will come back... esp when i realise that when i come back.. i dun have pple to be with me.. chio back with gab. adrain with matt.. i dun think i will find some company..
seeing how the block comm trying to maintain block culture, keeping them together.. tring to bond people and bond the cliques are something quite interesting.. it's also the gossiping and discussion of things... and i wonder why am i not involved.. well.. i am jus a freshie senior ba.. or more imptly, i dun raise my opinions, or dun dare to raise them.. being a spectator too often has made me a bystander by default.
after talking for so long.. i have yet to bring in my main unhappiness...
there are some pple who are just unhappy with me.. maybe it's my tone of talking that irritates her but then.. i am stil pissed.. i am pissed cos i really think that a person can be so whiny and argh.. and yet.. making noises and yet complaining and discussing things at a high level as if she is able to relate to them but in actual fact it's just 事后孔明. if you are pouting your lips and and when.. it looks duh..>! and you dun listen.. maybe you choose not to listen to me only but then.. you stil dun listen.. and when things happen, you give that kind "i am not in fault" tone and sit back..
some people are just competitive.. maybe i am too layback but i really dun like that kind of smirk look. it's as if the world revolves around you.. esp when i think that your confidence comes from the way you package yourself on the outside. if you dun have your way, you will just sit out.. no giving in , no compromise.. disgusting..
confident look..
1. dun smile doesn't mean that you are serious
2. smile and dun giggle and give a firm yes is good.
3. when i give a bored look, i look like i am damn shag. so dun look bored.
what shaojie says during the game struck, he said "it all depends how much you want to open up in this game" ... and i have a difficult time in the game.. cos i simple have too much within myself.. i cant even be honest with myself often times.. no wonder i cannot let myself out.!!! AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wish list : to learn to read, and learn to know things.. know more information, trivia, read bout soccer, play DOTA!!!, run, dun be weak... the list goes on..
it's when all the unhappiness sets in that i seek God. i wonder why i cant be like this and that.. but during the midst of these.. really thank God that my dad and mom came to church today.. erm.. without persuasion.. i am seriously very happy. it's a sign for me to strive on.. if He is to be so nice to me.. why will he not give me more..
what is hall?? i think it has seriously evolved into a place for people just to live in.. no longer a hall culture or stuffs like that. we are just neighbours.. like HDB.. it's up to you whether you want to know your neighbours.. we have the block comm (HDB has their RCs) you can join the clubs to know more pple and blah..
no more ragging.. which is.. sigh.. i mean.. it's just for fun isn't it? it's just like no more tekan in army.. which you can say it's good that everyone is just the same like one big family.. but we know that sometimes people are just very nostelgic about traditions. pple feel that it's the tradition that is important.. instill the culture..
but sometimes, at this age people dun care bout seniority, age and generations.. as long as you can make it.. and you can push things thru, you can just do it..
adrain is one who has been in hall for years.. being in swoc and many other things gives him a lot of things to see and also a lot of things to say.. but how receptive are people to him? that's another thing.
if you have seen the show "玻璃之城"... the one with shuqi and leon lai.. about how they get to know each other in HK uni when they were staying in hall.. blah.. i think that's what hall life is.. maybe.
when the block get cliqish.. people are worried.. adrain was trying to help.. trying to keep the block as one.. (i seriously think it's difficult).. matt instead say, "let their own batch decide" and adrain actually reply, "ya.. maybe.. we shant become those 老不死." maybe.. at times should learn when to let go.... whether they sink or swim.. we are not in the sea with them.. so we cannot decide too..
cliqish.. actually.. isn't a bad idea.. sheares made up of 5 blocks.. and each block made up of cliques.. it's normal lor.. so what if the batch dun have clique.. chio's batch have those active pple like erm.. those MOE pple.. i think.. and the rest.. the freshies have pple who knows each other in JC already.. and those from SECC.. ..
my batch.. seriously.. i dun know.. i also dun know why am i cont to stay.. i am just trying to give myself another chance to have a little higher EQ.. if it can be developed.
i said that it will be more fun if i were not a councillor.. was thinking that.. erm.. well.. i feel like a freshie among them lor.. but if i am not councillor.. i really dun think i will come back... esp when i realise that when i come back.. i dun have pple to be with me.. chio back with gab. adrain with matt.. i dun think i will find some company..
seeing how the block comm trying to maintain block culture, keeping them together.. tring to bond people and bond the cliques are something quite interesting.. it's also the gossiping and discussion of things... and i wonder why am i not involved.. well.. i am jus a freshie senior ba.. or more imptly, i dun raise my opinions, or dun dare to raise them.. being a spectator too often has made me a bystander by default.
after talking for so long.. i have yet to bring in my main unhappiness...
there are some pple who are just unhappy with me.. maybe it's my tone of talking that irritates her but then.. i am stil pissed.. i am pissed cos i really think that a person can be so whiny and argh.. and yet.. making noises and yet complaining and discussing things at a high level as if she is able to relate to them but in actual fact it's just 事后孔明. if you are pouting your lips and and when.. it looks duh..>! and you dun listen.. maybe you choose not to listen to me only but then.. you stil dun listen.. and when things happen, you give that kind "i am not in fault" tone and sit back..
some people are just competitive.. maybe i am too layback but i really dun like that kind of smirk look. it's as if the world revolves around you.. esp when i think that your confidence comes from the way you package yourself on the outside. if you dun have your way, you will just sit out.. no giving in , no compromise.. disgusting..
confident look..
1. dun smile doesn't mean that you are serious
2. smile and dun giggle and give a firm yes is good.
3. when i give a bored look, i look like i am damn shag. so dun look bored.
what shaojie says during the game struck, he said "it all depends how much you want to open up in this game" ... and i have a difficult time in the game.. cos i simple have too much within myself.. i cant even be honest with myself often times.. no wonder i cannot let myself out.!!! AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wish list : to learn to read, and learn to know things.. know more information, trivia, read bout soccer, play DOTA!!!, run, dun be weak... the list goes on..
it's when all the unhappiness sets in that i seek God. i wonder why i cant be like this and that.. but during the midst of these.. really thank God that my dad and mom came to church today.. erm.. without persuasion.. i am seriously very happy. it's a sign for me to strive on.. if He is to be so nice to me.. why will he not give me more..
Saturday, August 05, 2006
i realise i haven been sharing on my devotion on blogs.. hence.. despite all the devotions and lessons each day.. i dint really register it. maybe i am not rehearsing the lessons in my life..
but today's lesson teach me treat everyone that comes my way with kindness...
what is kindness... i dun know.. i jus tneed to know that i have be very nice ..
i iwsh am those who can be siao on and yet seh and hence bringing about things within the OG. yeah.. =)
i must write this...
三人行必有我“失”。。 i think.. whenever there's 3 people.. i will be the odd one out.. or there bound to haver some mistake on my part and stop blaming people burning u..
some thoughts that i still cannot get away with..
but today's lesson teach me treat everyone that comes my way with kindness...
what is kindness... i dun know.. i jus tneed to know that i have be very nice ..
i iwsh am those who can be siao on and yet seh and hence bringing about things within the OG. yeah.. =)
i must write this...
三人行必有我“失”。。 i think.. whenever there's 3 people.. i will be the odd one out.. or there bound to haver some mistake on my part and stop blaming people burning u..
some thoughts that i still cannot get away with..
Thursday, August 03, 2006
blogging bout myself
it seems that my blog has been rather pictures centre for some time. althou they say that pictures speaks a thousand words.. but then.. some things are still necc to be said out.
maybe i am getting wary of what i am writing.. ya.. when i realise that my blog is so easily searched. i nv worry bout this but now.. i feel a little insecure. i dun mind pple knowing about me but i want to know that they know. somepple will chat with me about my recent post and stuffs and i am glad to have friends who wants to cont reading my rants but i dun like those pple whom i know but yet reading and yet i dun know if thye are really reading.., and readin the right tone of my post.. okay.. long prob.. dun care. leave aside
moved back into hall for some time... but it's recent days that i find life when the freshies move in and i hope to find some friends too.. when the seniors move in and the old block d feeling relives. when we have seniors meeting and we suddenly realise that one year has past. when the cleaning auntie start to complain to you about the inconsiderate occupants around.. you think God for her to be cleaning up the mess. when now as a senior you give talks to juniors bout module mapping and bidding just like adrian talking to me about planning for SEP nights ago. when tech crew start to work and concurrently wanting to do my part for SHAM and SNDCC.
and SWOC is going to start in 3 hours time, when i wish to take upon a siao-on attitude to have fun with them.. i know my sense of fun and humor is often not recognised, but i just wish and pray that the presense can be felt.. let's cross my fingers that i will be happy, with the freshies at least.. yeap.. honestly, this time round i dun think i can talk crap with fellow councillors like chess camp.. natural boundaries exists. but i am alright.. i am a self entertainer>~=)
now is the high time for hall events.. SWOC, Rag, SNDCC, Buaya week, IBG, coms starts, AGM, and what's more?? let's try to enjoy what's left for me.
maybe i am getting wary of what i am writing.. ya.. when i realise that my blog is so easily searched. i nv worry bout this but now.. i feel a little insecure. i dun mind pple knowing about me but i want to know that they know. somepple will chat with me about my recent post and stuffs and i am glad to have friends who wants to cont reading my rants but i dun like those pple whom i know but yet reading and yet i dun know if thye are really reading.., and readin the right tone of my post.. okay.. long prob.. dun care. leave aside
moved back into hall for some time... but it's recent days that i find life when the freshies move in and i hope to find some friends too.. when the seniors move in and the old block d feeling relives. when we have seniors meeting and we suddenly realise that one year has past. when the cleaning auntie start to complain to you about the inconsiderate occupants around.. you think God for her to be cleaning up the mess. when now as a senior you give talks to juniors bout module mapping and bidding just like adrian talking to me about planning for SEP nights ago. when tech crew start to work and concurrently wanting to do my part for SHAM and SNDCC.
and SWOC is going to start in 3 hours time, when i wish to take upon a siao-on attitude to have fun with them.. i know my sense of fun and humor is often not recognised, but i just wish and pray that the presense can be felt.. let's cross my fingers that i will be happy, with the freshies at least.. yeap.. honestly, this time round i dun think i can talk crap with fellow councillors like chess camp.. natural boundaries exists. but i am alright.. i am a self entertainer>~=)
now is the high time for hall events.. SWOC, Rag, SNDCC, Buaya week, IBG, coms starts, AGM, and what's more?? let's try to enjoy what's left for me.
new specs

erm.. somehow feel stupid posting my own pics.. haha. well.. once in a while..
what do i feel about the specs? i tot i will like it a lot until i finds it too big for my small face.. now my eyes look like it has tou ji yan cos the positions of the eyes are erm.. ya.. towards the centre with the frames on.. well.. hope pple will not think likewise.. at least it doesn't seem so from side angle. =)
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
dinner with weiliang
in the middle of the west part of singapore... with a broken spec, i was on my search for a pair to buy... trying to keep it low.. since it's an unexpected cost..
and fortunately there's a friend aroudn.. weiliang. =) so hence a dinner with him plus choosing of specs.. hehe.. was really unsure bout the colour of specs that i should buy.. i tot i look good in the black one.. but somehow i can imagine negative comments from pple due to the colour of my skin and blah blah blah.. finally bought something that the auntie selling likes and weiliang agree. for me? i like it but it's really kinda similar to craig's so.. erm. hope not to bum into him in school with specs. haha
the dinner ? i had a fish and chips..
it is nice.. but definitely not worth the 6 bucks it costs, despite there's zao bao, straits times blah blah recommendation.
and fortunately there's a friend aroudn.. weiliang. =) so hence a dinner with him plus choosing of specs.. hehe.. was really unsure bout the colour of specs that i should buy.. i tot i look good in the black one.. but somehow i can imagine negative comments from pple due to the colour of my skin and blah blah blah.. finally bought something that the auntie selling likes and weiliang agree. for me? i like it but it's really kinda similar to craig's so.. erm. hope not to bum into him in school with specs. haha
the dinner ? i had a fish and chips..

it is nice.. but definitely not worth the 6 bucks it costs, despite there's zao bao, straits times blah blah recommendation.
broken specs


=( my specs broke when i was taking off my tshirt.. i was like.. har?/ !! okay. i know it's going to give way soon but it's still too suddden. . . and i was wearing it with one limb only.. thruout the day.. cos i lazy to put on contacts.. made a new pair.. feel the pinch but it's something that i cannot dun spend on.. so.. sigh.. okay lor..
the new specs? hmm.... wil post up. =)
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
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