Thursday, April 08, 2004

i am tired

i am damn tired today. and i din do anything today in office. i feel so lost, so inadequate.

i wonder if i am impt afterall... what i am doing seems to be redundant. what's the pt of trying to monitor their promotion and encourage/asking/approaching their bosses for green light? am i really that great.. or as waht felix was saying, i am over-rating myself.

felix keep saying that he wants to be a spec.. ya.. what bout me.. i should have been one.. but i also realise that it may be for my good. i guess i am just temporarily stuck with my trough.. felt unheard. felt mis-used. felt erronous.

but i am really tired. while my journy home on bus.. it's like a black out to me. total switch off ..

super long weekend... does it mean rest or more work next week? okay.. a rest is for a longer journy.. so, they win again..


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