Wednesday, October 20, 2004

prayer meeting in camp

nic invited me for a prayer meeting in camp, with lta barry, joshua, mervyn. well, i hesitated upon the invite as i know there bound to be people who will be praying in tongues, in spirit and feeling. but, in the end, decided to attend the meeting with them.
i was right, immediately, barry pray in tongues, and later when mervyn came, he spoke in another 'dialect' of tongues. well,we did not get into a discussion regarding tongues, i just briefing state my stand.
anyway, wanted to talk bout the sharing... barry (the one who spearheaded this prayer mtg) was talkin bout his burden bout the camp. he felt the purpose for God to place him in this camp. so, he prayed about it during lunch, alone in the training shed, with cries and passion. in the end he said he felt uplifted, and God answered his prayers, so much so that the aura in his office also changed. according to him, he can feel that very presense of the Holy Spirit in the whole office.
mervyn shared bout his practice back in JC where he will prayed at HDB void deck alone and feel so uplifted with the Spirit after the prayer. and how he crave for that now, that he's lookin for a place in camp to pray during lunch.
the thing is, let aside the issue about tongues and charismatism etc, they are indeed prayerful!. not sure of the motivation behind, or the pushing factor for them, but tot we should be, if not more, at least as prayful?
i was quite put to shame about the little burden i have for the unsaved souls in my office. there was this time where i spend hours for days explaining to them creation, about things to come and Jesus. i tot it was difficult and slowly stop talking bout it since they stop asking me as well. and that time, i set a resolution that when i give the Pink IC to ORD personnel, i should give them a tract as well! but, sad and shameful to say, i did not. i have only 3 mths more to do this. hope i will have the courage and diligence to do so..
anyway, just want to say, all of us should do our part for Christ. let us, who have the priviledge to worship in a fundamental church, also be passionate bout the lost souls.
just thoughts to share....


Anonymous said...

Bro, a few more comments. One of the ways that we show we really love our Lord is our wanting to just tell of his goodness to those around us. I mean, let's say that everyone Singaporean will be given a million dollars and you were the first to know, wouldn't you want to go out and just tell it to everyone? :) Of course the Good News is priceless!

With my human eyes, I can't see the state of the heart that your fellow camp mates have, however, I believe that their passion must derive from one source - an extremely close relationship with God. This I must confess, is something that I am still trying to work towards.

I guess if you know that you have a friend who has the power to change your circumstances and yet, he is not the sort that gives it (the change) to you instantly (although he can if he wants to), wouldn't you be hammering at his door everyday and calling him on the phone? Our Lord Jesus however, is better than any friend in the world! Having the privilege of being called his friend, brother and co-heirs, why shouldn't we call on him if we wanted something? Why should fear hold us back in the process to glorify his name? :)

Well take courage! You still have 3 months left! Even if you HAD a day left and you've given out only ONE tract, who knows, the Lord may just touch the person (who received the tract) and he may just be the person to further bring his message to the lost! Remember that we have not been given a spirit of fear but one of boldness! Just claim on that promise before you give out every tract!

Just wondering, maybe in your next post, could you please post up your stand on speaking in tongues, in the spirit and feelings? Could you post up what is the difference between what you see as a fundamental church and that of the other dominations? Maybe you could explain your thoughts behind these puzzling statements, "but tot we should be, if not more, at least as prayful?", " privilege to worship in a fundamental church, also be passionate bout the lost souls." Is there really such a stark distinction in the Body of Christ? Or am I being oversensitive (which I hope I am being) Sometimes, I guess to foster better unity in the body of Christ, churches should try to understand the other viewpoints of the other churches (instead of having a dogmatic viewpoint of things).

This is a story that I thought of. Once upon a time, the parts of the body did not bother to understand each other and hence, there were often arguments when they interacted on common areas and yet had different viewpoints.

The eyes always argued with the hands when it came to "hand-to-eye" coordination, especially in driving. Although the eye could see danger far away, it was frustrated at the speed that the hands reacted when turning the steering wheel.

The mouth always fought with the stomach. Whenever the eyes saw something good to eat, it worked with the hands to shove it into the mouth which would do it's duty to chew. However, at times, the stomach had to work to bursting capacity and blamed the mouth for it's overwork.

To complicate things further, the nose was horribly offended by the noise and smell that the backside made although the backside claimed that it was just doing its job!

Having enough of their difference, the parts of the body decided to go their separate ways. However, the heart knew the best. In his appeal he said,

"Aren't we all part of the SAME body?"
"If we divide, we will die."

He appealed to their sense of identity, their sense of understanding.

"The hand maybe slow, but it is not stricken with leprosy that is has to be cut off."

"The backside may be doing unpleasant work, but if gas is not passed out, we will all be sick and choked up."

"As for the "hand and eye" vs "mouth and stomach"
case, there must be a logic centre for the stomach to appeal too when it is at the maximum, we need the brain to work."

"Dear friends," cried the heart, "We are all different. But in our difference is the beauty of our creator! Not everyone can be a hand, not everyone can be a leg. Not every part of the body will agree with another part. But we need to work together in love because HE first loved us! Let he who can grab something, let him grab, let he who can see, let him see, let he who can pass out gas pass out gas with the love and understanding of the community."

"Because, there will be a coming time when the body will be under attack from our enemies. Those who ridicule the work of our creator. Those who bring in "fake" body parts to affect the stability of the body. In those trying times, if we do not stand together as one, under the banner of our creator Lord, as those who profess to his love for us; his resurrection, his act of love and sacrifice, his redemption for us all...the very recognition of our master's nature...we will grief the master himself!"

At this, the heart wept.

ernest said...

how should i ans? well, i believe you have read about it more than i can explain it well.. and of cos, we know that the explanation(at least a convincing one) is nv short enough.

but one thing.. but tot we should be, if not more, at least as prayful i do think that charismatic churches have christains having a very real and personal/eventful experience bout the Holy Spirit. They have seen/think they have seen or felt the Holy Spirit. They believe that the miracles and signs and wonders still persists.. do you agree that such sights/real experience will give people to have the heart and more passion to con't...

but i also remember We live by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7 it is good to have faith, but it's better to have faith not thru signs.

well.. will write more coherently soon.. (if you still do read this blog~