Friday, December 31, 2004

New Year Resolution

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: December 31, 2004 1:07 AM
To: Caleb Yee
Subject: new year resolution

thanks for helping me. erm.. there's no sharing, then,
just read the last few para fo rme .thannk!

I have been looking forward to this year end meeting,
also the 1st anniversary meeting for Shomerim. indeed,
i think the Lord has been very kind to us and thank
God that it has been 1 year since Shomerim started.

I can still remember the message last year by u.john
we we were talking bout Demas, who had forsaken Paul
cos he had loved the present world. And U.J urged us,
to con't be on the Lord's side, not only now, but
years later. and he asked if we will still be in
church 5 years later. I am so glad that 1 year as
passed and many of us are still around. we will con;'t
to pray and bring them back, aren't we?

I truly thank God for the past year. it has been a
year of blessings. i've taken the step of faith n
courage to be baptized and i was very glad when my mom
was there to witness it. God also opened a way for me
to bring my brother to church. More imptly, God has
kept Edmund with us since then.

My resolution made was generally fulfilled but i din't
manage to keep to the OT readings, sad to say.

Actually i am quite worried about the coming year.
pray that God will lead me on.
So, what's for next year?
1. to be a Christian Student and do well in school.
2. to bring at least 1 friend to church.
3. to learn God's Word and study it, seriously! no
more nominal christian for me.
4. to con't being in church.

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