Monday, December 27, 2004

to blog or not to blog

as mentioned to huishi some time ago.. it's really weird to blog my entries online and let everyone seeing what am i writing or thinking. it's like an exposed diary. but i guess, so often when i write something in my diary, they are just contents which i wish i can tell someone but couldn;t find one who may be interested or have to time to spare for me or watever.. so, if someone is free enough and kay-po enough about me, just let them know me lor. haha.. okay, i am exposing myself too much and it seemed to have undermined my esteem.. but.. well... that's the way it is now lor (till i change my blog to something more confi)

but there's still many things that i cannot say in this blog. it doesn't happen often, but today is one such case.

blogcraze dtd 120904

why-blog dtd 190904

i cant blog like this anymore dtd 210504

blogging dtd 080204

not blogging dtd 130104

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