Saturday, March 20, 2004

new layout...

sigh... i seems to be giving up on my dun find any purpose to maintain that, when i dun have my domain name and webspace. I am thinkin fo getting a domain, and asking friends to be cohost, that they also get to use the space and address.. yeah.. and then, i can try to use movabletype to blog... hm.. that seems more cool and pro..haha. ok.. i am just thinkin only.. till now haven found anyone to cohost with me.

this new page isn't good also.. got quite a number of bugs.. that's one whole afternoon ok work. *sweat*.. when can i be erm.. more pro? haha... see first lah.. i will wait and see.

i hope this page will be more refreshing.. my initial aim is to use grey white and yellow for this page.. but.. sigh.. my YELLOW project failed again. when then can i have my yellowpage.? >>.


seeing that wah wah did the same disorderthingie test as ruyi, hah.. kinda glad and happy to know what we are reading each others' blog.. a bane or blessing? dun knwo lah..

ok..i am talking to much cock liao. ~

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